open-risk / transitionMatrix

Statistical analysis and visualization of state transition phenomena
Apache License 2.0
86 stars 32 forks source link
credit-rating credit-risk credit-scoring hacktoberfest markov-chain python rating-migration state-space transition-matrix

Documentation Status made-with-python GitHub license Percentage of issues still open


transitionMatrix is a Python powered library for the statistical analysis and visualization of state transition phenomena. It can be used to analyze any dataset that captures timestamped transitions in a discrete state space. Use cases include credit rating transitions, system state event logs etc.

You can use transitionMatrix to

Key Information

NB: transitionMatrix is still in active development. If you encounter issues or have suggestions please raise them in our github repository or come discuss at our discourse server

Support and Training


The code documentation includes a large number of examples, jupyter notebooks and more.

Plotting individual transition trajectories

single entity

Sampling transition data

sampled histories

Estimation of transition matrices using cohort methods


Estimation of transition matrices using duration methods

transition probabilities

Visualization of a transition matrix

transition matrix

Visualization using a Logarithmic Sankey diagram

logarithmic sankey

Generating stochastic process transition thresholds


Stressing Transition Matrices

stressing transition matrices

Computation and Visualization of Credit Curves

credit curves

Working with credit states
