outcobra / outstanding-cobra

A school management tool for students from students
GNU General Public License v3.0
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angular exams gradle java kotlin marks school spring-boot typescript

Outstanding Cobra

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This installation is written for Windows and Ubuntu (14.04 and above).


Gradle is our project and dependency management tool for the backend.

You do not need to install Gradle yourself since we are using the Gradle wrapper in this project.

Before you can build the project, you need to go to backend/src/main/resources and copy auth0.example.yml to auth0.yml. In this file, auth0.clientSecret needs to be set. If you are building for production, you will get this from Joel, otherwise you will have to create your own Auth0 account and update all values according to the app you create there.

If you are using IntelliJ, you will also have to set up annotation processing. For this, open the settings (CTRL + ALT + S) and navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors. You should see the modules backend_main and backend-model_main there. Click each one and select Module content root for Store generated sources relative to:. Also make sure that the Production sources directory is set to generated for both of them.

To build the project, you can just run ./gradlew build on Linux or gradlew.bat build on Windows. You might need to adjust the file permissions on Linux using chmod +x gradlew.

To run the backend you have to make a new run configuration. In IntelliJ you can add a run configuration by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + A and typing Edit Run Configurations. To add a configuration press the green plus. Then search for Spring Boot, set the main class to outcobra.server.OutstandingCobraServerApplicationKt and use -Dspring.profiles.active=development as vm options (this enables the development profile).

Now you should be finished so press Apply and try to start the Application.

Accessing API-Documentation

We are automatically generating Swagger 2 api specifications.

You can reach the api specification at /v2/api-docs and at /swagger-ui.html you'll find a nice UI to explore the api with and test requests.


Like quite every web frontend project we are using nodejs to manage our packages.

So you need to have nodejs installed on your system. Install the nodejs and nodejs-legacy package with the package manager on Linux. On windows you can download the installer from the nodejs website.

To manage your local and global packages you need to have a package manager installed. Either you use npm or yarn, we recommend to use yarn because it is much faster than npm.

Install npm

Linux: To install npm run sudo apt-get install npm Check the installation with npm -v

Windows: If you have installed node correctly then npm should be installed too. Check the installation by running npm -v in the cmd.

If the command npm is not recognized rerun the nodejs installer and make sure that you install npm.

Install yarn


To install yarn on linux you have to configure a specific repository and pgp key. Then you can run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install yarn

To check the installation you can run yarn version.


Since you have npm installed through NodeJs anyway, you could just run npm i -g yarn or follow this guide: Download the yarn installer here. Then follow the instructions in the installer and run the following command to make yarn globally available in the console. set PATH=%PATH%;C:\.yarn\bin Probably you have to adjust the installation location in the above command.

In the end test the installation with: yarn --version

Angular Project and Angular CLI

We really recommend to install the angular-cli globally so you can easily access the cli commands from everywhere. So run sudo npm install angular-cli -g or sudo yarn global add angular-cli

Change now to the frontend directory of the project. It is essential that you run the following commands in the same directory as where the package.json file is located. To install all the packages from package.json run either npm install or yarn. After that a new folder called node_modules should appear.

We use the Angular CLI as our build, test, lint and serving tool. You can find the whole documentation on their GitHub page.

To start using the Angular CLI in this project you need to run ng init in the frontend folder. This is only necessary when you clone this repository.

The you can run ng serve and visit the application in the browser on localhost:4200. You can also enable the production version with ng serve -prod.

For more detailed information on the CLI visit their GitHub page, go to the README.md in the frontend project or just ask Mario Kunz (mario99.kunz@gmail.com).