75 languages support for Laravel application based on Laravel-Lang/lang.
> **Warning** > > There is already a better solution to use [our official Laravel-Lang publisher](https://publisher.laravel-lang.com/). This project will be discontinued, thank you for your support. # Features - Laravel 5+ && Lumen support. - Translations Publisher. - Made with 💖. # Install | Laravel version | Composer command | | --------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | Laravel 9.x | `composer require overtrue/laravel-lang:~6.0` | | Laravel 7.x-8.x | `composer require overtrue/laravel-lang:~5.0` | | Laravel 6.x | `composer require overtrue/laravel-lang:~4.0` | | Laravel 5.8 | `composer require overtrue/laravel-lang:~3.0` | | Laravel 5.1-5.7 | `composer require overtrue/laravel-lang:~2.0` | | Laravel 5 | `composer require overtrue/laravel-lang:~1.0` | ```shell composer require "overtrue/laravel-lang:~6.0" ``` #### Lumen Add the following line to `bootstrap/app.php`: ```php $app->register(Overtrue\LaravelLang\TranslationServiceProvider::class); ``` # Configuration ### Laravel you can change the locale at `config/app.php`: ```php 'locale' => 'zh_CN', ``` ### Lumen set locale in `.env` file: ``` APP_LOCALE=zh_CN ``` # Usage There is no difference with the usual usage. If you need to add additional language content, Please create a file in the `resources/lang/{LANGUAGE}` directory. ### Add custom language items Here, for example in Chinese: `resources/lang/zh_CN/demo.php`: ```php '用户不存在', 'email_has_registed' => '邮箱 :email 已经注册过!', ]; ``` Used in the template: ```php echo trans('demo.user_not_exists'); // 用户不存在 echo trans('demo.email_has_registed', ['email' => 'anzhengchao@gmail.com']); // 邮箱 anzhengchao@gmail.com 已经注册过! ``` ### Replace the default language items partially We assume that want to replace the `password.reset` message: `resources/lang/zh_CN/passwords.php`: ```php '您的密码已经重置成功了,你可以使用新的密码登录了!', ]; ``` You need only add the partials item what you want. ### publish the language files to your project `resources/lang/` directory ```shell php artisan lang:publish [LOCALES] {--force} ``` examples: ```shell php artisan lang:publish zh_CN,zh_HK,th,tk ``` ## :heart: Sponsor me [![Sponsor me](https://github.com/overtrue/overtrue/blob/master/sponsor-me.svg?raw=true)](https://github.com/sponsors/overtrue) 如果你喜欢我的项目并想支持它,[点击这里 :heart:](https://github.com/sponsors/overtrue) ## Project supported by JetBrains Many thanks to Jetbrains for kindly providing a license for me to work on this and other open-source projects. [![](https://resources.jetbrains.com/storage/products/company/brand/logos/jb_beam.svg)](https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=https://github.com/overtrue) ## PHP 扩展包开发 > 想知道如何从零开始构建 PHP 扩展包? > > 请关注我的实战课程,我会在此课程中分享一些扩展开发经验 —— [《PHP 扩展包实战教程 - 从入门到发布》](https://learnku.com/courses/creating-package) # License MIT