Easily open or delete vcrpy cassettes within your tests. Bulk delete cassettes from the current file or the entire workspace.
. (can be changed with testFileNameStartsWith
setting)Deletes all cassettes in the current file. Asks for confirmation before deleting.
Deletes all cassettes in the current workspace. Asks for confirmation before deleting.
: The prefix of your test files. This is used to determine which files are test files and which are not. Defaults to test_
: The name of the directory where your cassettes are stored. The directory will be automatically located in any subdirectories of your workspace. Defaults to cassettes
: The text that should be matched to determine if a line is a vcrpy decorator. The default is for pytest, but can be changed to match any decorator such as @vcr.use_cassette
. Defaults to @pytest.mark.vcr
: Choose when to confirm before deleting cassettes.. Defaults to Workspace, Current File, Tests
: Show a button in the editor to open the cassette file. Defaults to true
: Show a button in the editor to delete the cassette file. Defaults to true
vs code setting override) and change it from the status bar.None at this time.
Added planned features section to README.
decorator is used #1vcrpy-cassette-mgr.deleteConfirmation