phongcao / webrtc-mrvc-sample

WebRTC Mixed Remote View Compositor
MIT License
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hololens urhosharp webrtc

WebRTC Mixed Remote View Compositor

Similar to Mixed Remote View Compositor from MixedRealityCompanionKit, WebRTC Mixed Remote View Compositor (WebRTC MRVC) provides the ability for developers to incorporate near real-time viewing of HoloLens experiences from within a viewing application. This is achieved through low level Media Foundation components that use WebRTC to transmit the data from the device to a remote pc viewing application. Through the Media Foundation capture pipeline, WebRTC captures and encodes the live camera data with its associated data. The data is then transmitted to the remote viewing application that will be decoded and displayed with respect to the device transformations. This sample uses Urho as the rendering engine on both desktop and HoloLens.



How to build

How to run