pivotal / paving

Terraform templates for paving infrastructure to deploy the Pivotal Platform.
Apache License 2.0
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aws gcp nsxt paving terraform there-is-no-team vsphere


This repository contains Terraform templates for paving the necessary infrastructure to deploy Tanzu application Platform (PKS and TAS) to a single foundation. The templates support AWS, vSphere, Azure, and GCP.


As of v3.0.0 of this repository the following are the supported versions of the Terraform CLI and providers:



In each IaaS directory, there is a terraform.tfvars.example you can copy and modify with your configuration choices and credentials.

  1. terraform init
  2. terraform plan -var-file terraform.tfvars
  3. terraform apply -var-file terraform.tfvars
  4. terraform output stable_config_output
  5. terraform destroy -var-file terraform.tfvars

Removing unnecessary resources

The terraform templates are namespaced for the resources that consume them. In each IAAS, the prefix opsmanager-, pks-, and pas- are on the file names.

There are cases that some resources aren't required in a foundation. For example, just deploying PKS and not PAS. To remove PAS resources, just rm pas-*.tf the file from the directory.

Please note that the opsmanager-*.tf files cannot be removed. Every foundation requires an Ops Manager.



The semantics of the versioning of paving's releases are based on the contents of terraform output stable_config_(opsmanager|pas|pks). stable_config should always represent the minimum necessary to install Pivotal Platform. Any other output may be added or removed without a change in version. However, MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH should change according to the following:



In our current configuration, we are using the Ops Manager VM as the jumpbox. The Ops Manager VM is deployed in the public subnet with a configuration (var.ops_manager_allowed_ips) to restrict it by IP. If you want to use a jumpbox instead, you may deploy ops manager in the management subnet.