pkra / mathjax-node-page

mathjax-node for pages
Apache License 2.0
42 stars 20 forks source link
cli html latex mathjax mathjax-node nodejs svg tex

mathjax-node-page Build Status

Greenkeeper badge

This Node.js module builds on mathjax-node and provides processing of larger content fragments



npm install mathjax-node-page

to install mathjax-node-page and its dependencies.


mathjax-node-page exports mjpage which expects four parameters:

mjpage(input, mjpageConfig, mjnodeConfig, callback)

Where input is a string with HTML or jsdom object (JSDOM class should be acquired via exported JSDOM), pageConfig specifies page-wide options, and mjnodeConfig expects mathjax-node configuration options.

The defaults for pageConfig are

    format: ["MathML", "TeX", "AsciiMath"], // determines type of pre-processors to run
    output: '', // global override for output option; 'svg', 'html' or 'mml'
    tex: {}, // configuration options for tex pre-processor, cf. lib/tex.js
    ascii: {}, // configuration options for ascii pre-processor, cf. lib/ascii.js
    singleDollars: false, // allow single-dollar delimiter for inline TeX
    fragment: false, // return body.innerHTML instead of full document
    cssInline: true,  // determines whether inline css should be added
    jsdom: {...}, // jsdom-related options
    displayMessages: false, // determines whether Message.Set() calls are logged
    displayErrors: false, // determines whether error messages are shown on the console
    undefinedCharError: false, // determines whether unknown characters are saved in the error array
    extensions: '', // a convenience option to add MathJax extensions
    fontURL: '', // for webfont urls in the CSS for HTML output
    MathJax: {}, // options MathJax configuration, see
    errorHandler: (id, wrapperNode, sourceFormula, sourceFormat, errors) => {...} // function to handle rendering error

and where mjnodeConfig represents mathjax-node configuration options, the defaults are.

  ex: 6, // ex-size in pixels
  width: 100, // width of math container (in ex) for linebreaking and tags
  useFontCache: true, // use <defs> and <use> in svg output?
  useGlobalCache: false, // use common <defs> for all equations?
  state: mjstate, // track global state
  linebreaks: false, // do linebreaking?
  equationNumbers: "none", // or "AMS" or "all"
  math: "", // the math to typeset
  html: false, // generate HTML output?
  css: false, // generate CSS for HTML output?
  mml: false, // generate mml output?
  svg: false, // generate svg output?
  speakText: true, // add spoken annotations to output?
  timeout: 10 * 1000, // 10 second timeout before restarting MathJax

Advanced usage

mathjax-node customization

mathjax-node-page exports init function that allows you to pass in a custom mathjax-node (for example, mathjax-node-svg2png).

const mjnode = require('mathjax-node-svg2png');

If your custom mathjax-node provides new output options, you can add them by calling addOutput. As a second parameter, you can pass custom output handler, which is a function that modifies a DOM element with the conversion result. The default output handler behavior is to write contents to wrapper.innerHTML.

mjpage.addOutput('png', (wrapper, data) => {
    wrapper.innerHTML = `<img src="${data}">`;
// you can use standard mathjax-node-page API

Reset to default mathjax-node behavior by calling init with empty parameters. Ensure that all your current mathjax-node-page tasks have been completed before calling it.

mjpage.init();  // reset back to default mathjax-node


mjpage runs jobs which inherit EventEmitter and provide the following event hooks. Add the corresponding event handlers to manipulate the input/output and DOM before/after conversion.

All the event handlers are destroyed when job ends to prevent memory leaks.

Formula conversion events

All formula conversion events pass ParsedFormula instance to the event handler.

    id, // index of formula on the page
    jobID, // mjpage job ID; formulas belonging to the same page run have the same jobID
    node, // DOM node with the formula (contents change before and after conversion)
    sourceFormula, // the source formula
    sourceFormat, // the source formula format (e.g. "inline-TeX")
    outputFormula, // the converted formula result from mathjax-node typeset function; use outputFormula[outputFormat] to get the resulting formula string
    outputFormat // the resulting formula format (e.g. "svg")

Page conversion events

If input is a HTML string, mjpage function callback receives result after the DOM serialization.
If input is a jsdom object, mjpage function callback receives jsdom object itself.

Error handling

When a rendering error occurs, config.errorHandler will be called. These arguments are passed:

Modify the wrapperNode object to show some error message to user. The default error handling function is printing the error with console.log.


mjpage(input, {
    format: ["TeX"]
}, {
    svg: true
}, function(output) {
    // output is your final result
.on('afterConversion', function(parsedFormula) {
    // manipulate parsed result and DOM at your will
    // see description of parsedFormula object above


mathjax-node-page installs a CLI tool. Run mjpage to print usage instructions.


const mjpage = require('../lib/main.js').mjpage;
const fs = require('fs');
const input = fs.readFileSync('input.html');

mjpage(input, {format: ["TeX"]}, {svg: true}, function(output) {
    console.log(output); // resulting HTML string