planetk / homebridge-netatmo

This is a homebridge plugin for several netatmo devices
Apache License 2.0
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home-automation homebridge homekit netatmo presence smart-home welcome

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:warning: Currently this project is no longer actively maintained. In case you are willing to maintain this project, please contact me or open an issue.


This is a plugin for homebridge. It's a working implementation for several netatmo devices:

Please check notes on devices below for detailed information on supported modules.


  1. Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
  2. Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-netatmo
  3. Update your configuration file. See sample-config.json in this repository for a sample.


Simple Configuration

Configuration sample:

"platforms": [
            "platform": "netatmo",
            "name": "netatmo platform",
            "ttl": 10,
            "auth": {
                "client_id": "XXXXX Create at",
                "client_secret": "XXXXX Create at",
                "username": "your netatmo username",
                "password": "your netatmo password"

To retrieve client id and secret please follow following guide:

  1. Register at as a developer
  2. After successful registration create your own app by using the menu entry "CREATE AN APP"
  3. On the following page, enter a name for your app. Any name can be chosen. All other fields of the form (like callback url, etc.) can be left blank.
  4. After successfully submitting the form the overview page of your app should show client id and secret.

Advanced Configuration

There are some optional configuration options in the netatmo section of the config which provide finer control about what device and services to use to create accessories.

API Refresh and timings

Communication towards netatmo API is time by three parameters:

Time in seconds, how long data will be kept in the internal cache. Mainly useful to avoide duplicated requests for different values from the same device. Defaults to 10 seconds if left out in config.
Time in milliseconds, how often the api will be automatically polled to check for changes. Defaults to 900000 which is 15 Minutes. Do not take values much lower, or you risk, that you put to much traffic to the netatmo API. In worst case netatmo might temporarilly exclude your app from the api.
Time in milliseconds, how often the the module checks if there was a request to refresh the data, either from the automatic polling or due to changes in the homekit app. This allows to have regular checks as well as refreshes after changes were done in the app. Defaults to 20000 which is 20 Seconds.

    "platforms": [
            "platform": "netatmo",


              "ttl": 10,
              "refresh_check": 900000
              "refresh_run": 20000


Control Accessories by device type

    "platforms": [
            "platform": "netatmo",


            "deviceTypes": [



This allows you to include/exclude devices of a certain type in your accessories. The device types marked bold are the default types, if this config section is left out.

Please note, that welcome support is by default switched off, since it is not fully implemented yet.

Control Accessories by device ID

Controlling devices can be done pn a finer level by id. The id of a netatmo device or module basically is it's mac address.

In order to include or exclude a specific device, the corresponding id can be included in a whitelist resp. blacklist.

If the whitelist contains at least one entry, all oter ids will be excluded.

    "platforms": [
            "platform": "netatmo",


            "whitelist": [
            "blacklist": [



Control Services

TBD (Needs description here)

Notes on devices

Weather station

The indoor module and outdoor module are fully supported. The rain gauge and the wind gauge are in general supported, but these devices use characteristics, which are not supported by the home app.

For this reason the home app shows the devices as not supported. If you want to use this devices you should consider to use a different homekit app. For example elgato's eve app is a good free alternative.


The thermostat is fully supported. There are a few things to know:

Cameras (Welcome and Presence)

The camera devices are currently only supported as simple motion sensors. Motion detection might be delayed, since the polling is required an netatmo has strict request rate limits.

Any events of Type "movement", "person" and "outdoor" will be considered as a motion.

This implementation will most likely be refactored in future.


My rain/wind gauge shows up as not supported

This is due to limmited support of the home app. Try to use a different homekit app. Check notes on devices for further info.

I only get notifications when home app is opened

This themes to ba an issue with ios and hap lib. There is nothing I can do about it. Possible you should check the hombridge ifttt plugin with pushover app for notifications.

Updates of vlaues are delayed

This is due to rate limits from netatmo. If polling rate is increased your account might get blocked by netatmo

netatmo authentication failes

Please recheck your config settings and your netatmo account. Sometimes the used netatmo API seems to have connection problems. Often a reload is enough

Things are messed up. How do I start from scratch?

In short:

This is cool, how can I support?

If you like this, your welcome to give a small donation. Check button at top/bottom of page. If you like to join development check the sources, open issues and pull requests. Thanx!





Following information is not relevant for users who just want to access netatmo via homekit. It is intented for software developers who want to modify / enhance the functionality of the software.


A device in this context is a netatmo hadware device.
Device Type
Describes the type of the netatmo device i.e. weatherstation, thermostat or welcome.
Some devices contain several modules (e.g. weatherstation: main module, rain gauge, outside module, wind gauge). A device or module results in an accessory


New deviceTypes should be put into the /devices folder. It might be helpful to use the existing deviceTypess as template and to inherit the NetatmoDevice. Each device provides one or more accessories which provide one or more services.

Services are defined inside the /services folder. The naming convention is, that a service source code file starts with the device name.

The default set of devices and services that are used is the one which resulted from earlier versions.

Please see Chapter Advanced Configuration on details about how to add a device or a service.

Mock API & Testing

New features should be developed with a test scenario. Tests are executed via travis-ci or npm test.

For debugging and test purposes the software contains a support for a mock netatmo api.

The mock-api is activate by putting a

mockapi: "name"

into the netatmo section of the config file.

When activated there will be no calls to the netatmo API. Instead raw json data is read from file located in the /mockapi_calls folder.

The file name is [apimethod]-[name].json where

If this file is not found a [apimethod]-default.json file is read. If this is not found as well, empty data is returned.

TODO / Next Features

Following things are to be developed next.

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