Displays the stuff below in terminal everytime you load up the terminal or sign into ssh
Its a little bit differnt from the Arch one and I plan on merging the two files together.. Someday.
cp motd.sh /etc/profile.d
cp config /.config/terminator/
cp .bashrc /home/$USER/
cp .bashrc /usr/share/fonts/
cp .zshrc /home/$USER/
Figlet package and PxPlus IBM VGA 10 font have to be installed http://www.figlet.org/
https://github.com/pocketfood/Fontpkg-PxPlus_IBM_VGA8 [.bashrc] with my prompt with some shopt commands and [config] is a terminator config file
will be making a pkg build for AUR maybe even APT. Planning on making it for multiple distros so far only works for Arch...duh. Of course. For Debian the figlet text is difffernt but still the text from hostname.