pollen-robotics / pollen-vision

Simple and unified interface to zero-shot computer vision models curated for robotics use cases.
Apache License 2.0
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computer-vision grasping object-detection object-segmentation robotics

Pollen vision library

Simple and unified interface to zero-shot computer vision models curated for robotics use cases.

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Check out our [HuggingFace space](https://huggingface.co/pollen-robotics) for an online demo or try pollen-vision in a [Colab notebook](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Xx42Pk4exkS95iyD-5arHIYQLXyRWTXw?usp=drive_link)! ## Get started in very few lines of code! Perform zero-shot object detection and segmentation on a live video stream from your webcam with the following code: ```python import cv2 from pollen_vision.vision_models.object_detection import OwlVitWrapper from pollen_vision.vision_models.object_segmentation import MobileSamWrapper from pollen_vision.utils import Annotator, get_bboxes owl = OwlVitWrapper() sam = MobileSamWrapper() annotator = Annotator() cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: ret, frame = cap.read() predictions = owl.infer( frame, ["paper cups"] ) # zero-shot object detection | put your classes here bboxes = get_bboxes(predictions) masks = sam.infer(frame, bboxes=bboxes) # zero-shot object segmentation annotated_frame = annotator.annotate(frame, predictions, masks=masks) cv2.imshow("frame", annotated_frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"): cv2.destroyAllWindows() break ```

Supported models We continue to work on adding new models that could be useful for robotics perception applications. We chose to focus on zero-shot models to make it easier to use and deploy. Zero-shot models can recognize objects or segment them based on text queries, without needing to be fine-tuned on annotated datasets. Right now, we support: #### Object detection - `Yolo-World` for zero-shot object detection and localization - `Owl-Vit` for zero-shot object detection and localization - `Recognize-Anything` for zero-shot object detection (without localization) #### Object segmentation - `Mobile-SAM` for (fast) zero-shot object segmentation #### Monocular depth estimation - `Depth Anything` for (non metric) monocular depth estimation Below is an example of combining `Owl-Vit` and `Mobile-Sam` to detect and segment objects in a point cloud, all live. (Note: in this example, there is no temporal or spatial filtering of any kind, we display the raw outputs of the models computed independently on each frame) https://github.com/pollen-robotics/pollen-vision/assets/6552564/a5285627-9cba-4af5-aafb-6af3d1e6d40c We also provide wrappers for the Luxonis cameras which we use internally. They allow to easily access the main features that are interesting to our robotics applications (RBG-D, onboard h264 encoding and onboard stereo rectification).
Installation # Installation ``` Note: This package has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and macOS (with M1 Pro processor), with python3.10. ``` ## Git LFS This repository uses Git LFS to store large files. You need to install it before cloning the repository. ### Ubuntu ```console sudo apt-get install git-lfs ``` ### macOS ```console brew install git-lfs ``` ## One line installation You can install the package directly from the repository without having to clone it first with: ```console pip install "pollen-vision[vision] @ git+https://github.com/pollen-robotics/pollen-vision.git@main" ``` > Note: here we install the package with the `vision` extra, which includes the vision models. You can also install the `depthai_wrapper` extra to use the Luxonis depthai wrappers. ## Install from source Clone this repository and then install the package either in "production" mode or "dev" mode. >👉 We recommend using a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with other packages. After cloning the repository, you can either install everything with: ```console pip install .[all] ``` or install only the modules you want: ```console pip install .[depthai_wrapper] pip install .[vision] ``` To add "dev" mode dependencies (CI/CD, testing, etc): ```console pip install -e .[dev] ``` ## Luxonis depthai specific information If this is the first time you use luxonis cameras on this computer, you need to setup the udev rules: ``` echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03e7", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/80-movidius.rules sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger ```
Gradio demo # Gradio demo ## Test the demo online A gradio demo is available on Pollen Robotics' [Huggingface space](https://huggingface.co/spaces/pollen-robotics/pollen-vision-demo). It allows to test the models on your own images without having to install anything. ## Run the demo locally If you want to run the demo locally, you can install the dependencies with the following command: ```console pip install pollen_vision[gradio] ``` You can then run the demo locally on your machine with: ```console python pollen-vision/gradio/app.py ```
Examples # Examples ## Vision models wrappers Check our [example notebooks](examples/vision_models_examples/)! ## Luxonis depthai wrappers Check our [example scripts](examples/camera_wrappers_examples/)!
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