pololu / p-load

The Pololu USB Bootloader Utility (p-load) is a command-line program that allows you to read and write from the memories of certain Pololu USB bootloaders.
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Pololu USB Bootloader Utility (p-load)

Version: 2.4.0
Release date: 2018-05-02

The Pololu USB Bootloader Utility is a command-line program that allows you to read and write from the memories of certain Pololu products over USB using their USB bootloaders.

This utility currently supports the following products:

To get a help screen showing the available command-line arguments, run p-load --help at a command prompt.


Installers for Windows, Linx, and Mac OS X are available for download from the Pololu P-Star User's Guide:


EEPROM support

For bootloaders that support reading and writing from EEPROM, this utility can read and write HEX files that contains data for both flash and EEPROM. The EEPROM data should be placed in the HEX file starting at address 0xF00000 (so 0xF00000 corresponds to the first byte of EEPROM).


This repository contains a copy of https://github.com/leethomason/tinyxml2 by Lee Thomason (www.grinninglizard.com).

Version history