ppizarror / PyDetex

An application that transforms LaTeX code to plain text
MIT License
34 stars 5 forks source link
detex gui latex latex-style latex-to-text tex tkinter

======= PyDetex

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Source repo on GitHub <https://github.com/ppizarror/PyDetex>, and run it on Repl.it <https://repl.it/github/ppizarror/PyDetex>


PyDetex is a Python application that transforms LaTeX code into plain text. It has multiple language support (15+), detects repeated words, offers a dictionary (synonyms, antonyms, definitions), and many more things to come!

Comprehensive documentation for the latest version (if you plan to use the API) is available at https://pydetex.readthedocs.io

Install Instructions

PyDetex can be installed via pip for MacOS, Windows & Linux. Simply run:

.. code-block:: bash

$> python3 pip install pydetex -U

Also, compiled binaries for Windows (x64) and macOS are available through GitHub releases.

Launch the GUI or use the library.

Run this command anywhere to execute the application.

.. code-block:: bash

$> python3 -m pydetex.gui

.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppizarror/pydetex/master/docs/_static/example_simple.png :scale: 40% :align: center

**(Simple Pipeline)** Tadada... !!! A simple GUI to process your LaTex, and paste it into Google Docs, an email, or Grammarly \(^o^)/

.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppizarror/pydetex/master/docs/_static/example_strict.png :scale: 40% :align: center

**(Strict Pipeline)** The strict pipeline removes all commands or replaces them with some known tags.

.. figure:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ppizarror/pydetex/master/docs/_static/pydetex_windows.png :scale: 40% :align: center

Multiple options to configure: Check repeated words, highlight undetected code, or use different pipelines.

You can also import the library and use the parsers (methods that take latex code and perform a single task) or the pipelines (a combination of parsers). For more information, please visit the documentation <https://pydetex.readthedocs.io>_.

.. code-block:: python

import pydetex.pipelines as pip
text = "This is a \\textbf{LaTex} code..."
out = pip.simple(text)


Currently, many things must be improved:


Pablo Pizarro R. <https://ppizarror.com>_ | 2021 - 2024