HoloLens with Aruco
Author: Long Qian
Date: 2016-06-10
2017-01-21: If you are interested in tracking fiducial markers for HoloLens, it is recommended to visit another repository of mine: HoloLensARToolKit, which has better performance than Aruco on UWP platforms.
- The application file
can be deployed to HoloLens via HoloLens Device Portal.
Installation Guide
CMake for Windows 10
- Recent CMake release supports UWP already.
- If you are using CMake version earlier than 3.4, please follow this to build CMake tool with support for Windows 10.
OpenCV for UWP
- Follow this to build OpenCV binaries for Windows UWP. The "Long way" is recommended.
folder contains the opencv binary I built for Windows UWP (x86 only, since HoloLens run on x86).
- Set environment
to the your folder of opencv_uwp
Aruco Wrapper
Aruco is an open source marker tracking application based on OpenCV. aruco_core/aruco_core.cpp
is a modification of aruco_simple
- Use the CMake tool for UWP to build the VS solution for the wrapper, navigate to the build folder, and execute:
Path\To\CMake\bin\Release\cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME:String=WindowsStore -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION:String="10.0" -DCMAKE_VS_EFFECTIVE_PLATFORMS:String=x86 ..
- Open the VS solution and configure the project so that "/ZW" option is activated (Consume Windows Runtime Extension).
- Build the dll.
Unity3D for HoloLens
- Put the
and necessary OpenCV dlls to the hololens_aruco_unity/Assets/Plugins/WSA/x86/
- Choose the
scene from the Assets/Scenes
- Export to HoleLens and run! (You need to print an Aruco marker to see the effect.)
- The pose of Aruco marker is augmented through 2D processed image, not in terms of 3D overlay. However, 3D overlay is not hard to achieve by combining the marker tracking of Aruco and the environmental tracking of HoloLens.
- Frame rate is lowered since C# is transfering raw image data to aruco_core.dll. This could be improved by compressing the image on both sides (Unity script and aruco_core). This issue is addressed by HoloLensARToolKit