qixuxiang / mask_rcnn_ros

The ROS Package of Mask R-CNN for Object Detection and Segmentation
70 stars 34 forks source link
computer-vision object-detection ros semantic-segmentation slam

The ROS Package of Mask R-CNN for Object Detection and Segmentation

This is a ROS package of Mask R-CNN algorithm for object detection and segmentation.

The package contains ROS node of Mask R-CNN with topic-based ROS interface.

Most of core algorithm code was based on Mask R-CNN implementation by Matterport, Inc.


This repository doesn't contain code for training Mask R-CNN network model. If you want to train the model on your own class definition or dataset, try it on the upstream reposity and give the result weight to model_path parameter.


ROS Interfaces


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Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your catkin workspace, build workspace and source devel environment
    $ cd ~/.catkin_ws/src
    $ git clone https://github.com/qixuxiang/mask_rcnn_ros.git
    $ cd mask_rcnn_ros
    $ python2 -m pip install --upgrade pip
    $ python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ cd ../..
    $ catkin_make
    $ source devel/setup.bash

2. Run mask_rcnn node
      $ rosrun mask_rcnn_ros mask_rcnn_node

## Example

There is a simple example launch file using [RGB-D SLAM Dataset](https://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset/download).

$ sudo chmod 777 scripts/download_freiburg3_rgbd_example_bag.sh
$ ./scripts/download_freiburg3_rgbd_example_bag.sh
$ roslaunch mask_rcnn_ros freiburg3_rgbd_example.launch

Then RViz window will appear and show result like following:



## Other issue

* If you have installed Anaconda|Python, Please delete or comment `export PATH=/home/soft/conda3/bin:$PATH` in you `~/.bashrc` file.

* When you run the code, please wait for a moment for the result because there will be delay when play bag file and process the images.

* Welcome to submit any issue if you have problems, and add your software system information details, such as Ubuntu 16/14,ROS Indigo/Kinetic, Python2/Python3, Tensorflow 1.4,etc..