qmarcou / IGoR

IGoR is a C++ software designed to infer V(D)J recombination related processes from sequencing data. Find full documentation at:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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hypermutation igor immunology inference recombination simulation

IGoR: Inference and Generation Of Repertoires

This repository contains all sources and models useful to infer V(D)J recombination related processes for TCR or BCR sequencing data using IGoR.

IGoR's exhaustive documentation can be found http://qmarcou.github.io/IGoR[here]!

Download the latest release https://github.com/qmarcou/IGoR/releases[here].

[[quick-summary]] Quick summary

IGoR is a C++ software designed to infer V(D)J recombination related processes from sequencing data such as:

The following paper describes the methodology, performance tests and some new biological results obtained with IGoR:

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-02832-w[_High-throughput immune repertoire analysis with IGoR_], Nature Communications, (2018) Quentin Marcou, Thierry Mora, Aleksandra M. Walczak

Its heavily object oriented and modular style was designed to ensure long term support and evolvability for new tasks in assessing TCR and BCR receptors features using modern parallel architectures.

IGoR is a free (as in freedom) software released under the https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html[GNU-GPLv3] license.

[[version]] Version

include::./docs/asciidoc/version.adoc[] Download the latest release https://github.com/qmarcou/IGoR/releases[here].


A comprehensive documentation of IGoR is available on the internet at: http://qmarcou.github.io/IGoR[http://qmarcou.github.io/IGoR] or in your local installation of IGoR as the ./docs/index.html file.


[[contact]] Contact

For any question or issue please open an https://github.com/qmarcou/IGoR/issues[issue] or email mailto:quentin.marcou@lpt.ens.fr[us].


Free use of IGoR is granted under the terms of the https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html[GNU General Public License version 3] (GPLv3).