quangis / geo-question-parser

Extract core concept transformations from geo-analytical questions.
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antlr language natural nlp parsing processing

Installation (Miniconda on Windows)

Download and extract the parser source code into some folder, for example to folder “D:/qparserSrc”.

Follow the below steps to setup the python environment.

  1. Install the 64-Bit version of Miniconda from (https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/).

  2. Open a new window of anaconda prompt. Create a new conda environment with a name “D:/condaEnv/qparserSOA”. This creates the conda environment inside the folder “D:/condaEnv/qparserSOA”.

    conda create -p D:/condaEnv/qparserSOA python=3.9.7
  3. Activate the new environment:

    conda activate D:/condaEnv/qparserSOA
  4. Move to the folder qparserSOA. Packages from github will be installed here.

    cd D:\condaEnv\qparserSOA
  5. Install spacy package from conda-forge

    conda install -c conda-forge spacy
  6. Install spacy trained pipeline. If the installation throws error, then try executing the command again.

    python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  7. Install other packages from conda-forge:

    conda install -c conda-forge antlr4-python3-runtime=4.9.3 word2number pyzmq 
  8. Optionally, it may be necessary to install the checklist package:

    pip install checklist

Test running the parser

  1. In the anaconda prompt, make sure the “D:/condaEnv/qparserSOA” environment is activated.
  2. Move to the folder “D:/qparserSrc/test”. Packages from github will be installed here.
    cd D:\qparserSrc\test
  3. Execute the "Test.py" script:
    python Test.py
  4. The output of the script should look like below:
    ============================== TESTING retrieval dataset
    ============================== TESTING GeoAnQu dataset
    ============================== TESTING MS student dataset

Process finished with exit code 0

# Running the parser as a service (SOA)

1. Make sure “*D:/condaEnv/qparserSOA*” is activated in the anaconda prompt.
2. In the anaconda prompt, navigate to the folder “*D:/qparserSrc*”. This folder should contain the batch file “*runAsyncWorker.bat*”.
3. Run the batch file by typing


4. If the server starts correctly then you should see a message like below:

error loading _jsonnet (this is expected on Windows), treating config.json as plain json INFO: Bound broker frontend to 'tcp://' in method 'QparserBroker.run' INFO: Bound broker backend to an inter-process port 'inproc://backend' in method 'QparserBroker.run' INFO: Started worker '0' on a inter-process socket 'inproc://backend' in method 'QparserWorker.run' INFO: Started worker '1' on a inter-process socket 'inproc://backend' in method 'QparserWorker.run' INFO: Started worker '2' on a inter-process socket 'inproc://backend' in method 'QparserWorker.run' INFO: Started the poller in the broker in method 'QparserBroker.run'

To stop the server press the combo “*Ctrl+C*” in the anaconda prompt. Enter ‘*Y*’ when asked “*Terminate batch job (Y/N)?*”.

Two parameters can be changed in the batch file “*runAsyncWorker.bat*”. “*FRONT_PORT*” sets to which port server should be bound to. “*INST_COUNT*” sets the number of concurrent worker threads. In other words, it is the number of requests the server can handle simultaneously without requests blocking each other. For example, if “*INST_COUNT*” is set to 1 then only one request is processed at the time, and all other incoming requests are queued until the current request is handled.  “*INST_COUNT*” can be any integer number above 0.

## Running the test client for the parser service

1. Make sure the parser server is up and running.
2. Open a new Anaconda prompt window.
3. In the newly opened prompt window, activate the environment “*D:/condaEnv/qparserSOA*”.
4. Navigate to the folder “*D:/qparserSrc*”.
5. Execute the "*asyncClient.py*" script:
6. The expected output should look like below:

Starting the client Setting the client poller Sending a request to the remove service Waiting for a reply ... Client received a reply: {"question": "What is the shortest path through my workplace, a gym and a supermarket from my home in Amsterdam", "placename": ["Amsterdam"], "replaceQ": "What is shortest path through workplace , gym and supermarket from home extent", "network": ["shortest path"], "object": ["supermarket", "workplace", "home", "gym"], "nerQuestion": "what is network0 through object1 , object3 and object0 from object2 extent", "parseTreeStr": "(start what is (measure (networkC network 0) through (destination (objectC object 1) (objectC object 3) and (objectC object 0)) from (origin (objectC object 2))) (extent extent))", "cctrans": {"types": [{"type": "object", "id": "0", "keyword": "home", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}, {"type": "object", "id": "1", "keyword": "supermarket", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}, {"type": "object", "id": "2", "keyword": "gym", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}, {"type": "object", "id": "3", "keyword": "workplace", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}, {"type": "network", "id": "4", "keyword": "shortest path", "cct": "R(Obj*Obj,Reg)"}, {"type": "object", "id": "5", "keyword": "Amsterdam", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}], "extent": ["5"], "transformations": [{"before": ["1", "2", "3", "0"], "after": ["4"]}]}, "valid": "T", "query": {"afterId": "4", "after": "R(ObjObj,Reg)", "before": ["R(Obj,)", "R(Obj,)", "R(Obj,)", "R(Obj,)"]}, "queryEx": {"after": {"id": "4", "cct": "R(ObjObj,Reg)"}, "before": [{"after": {"id": "1", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}}, {"after": {"id": "2", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}}, {"after": {"id": "3", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}}, {"after": {"id": "0", "cct": "R(Obj,)"}}]}}

Process finished with exit code 0

# Usage
from QuestionParser import *
from TypesToQueryConverter import *

qBlock = '{"question": "What is the  shortest path through my workplace,' + \
            ' a gym and a supermarket from my home in Amsterdam","placename":' + \
            '["Amsterdam"],"replaceQ": "What is the  shortest path through my' + \
            ' workplace, a gym and a supermarket from my home extent"}'

# identify types and transformations steps
parser = QuestionParser()
qParsed = parser.parseQuestionBlock(qBlock)
# annotate types with cct expressions and generate a query
cctAnnotator = TQConverter()
cctAnnotator.cctToExpandedQuery(qParsed, True, True)


Check the Grammar folder for more details of the functional grammar in GeoAnQu.g4. Check the Dictionary folder for the concept dictionary.
