quimortiz / dynoplan

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motion-planning robotics trajectory-optimization

Dynoplan 🦖

Note: We have just submitted a publication to T-RO. Preprint is available here. We will clean the code, update the readme and write a small tutorial in the following weeks.

Dynoplan is a small library for solving kinodynamic motion planning problems, as defined in [Dynobench](https://github.com/quimortiz/dynobench) :t-rex:. It implements 3 different algorithms: Trajectory Optimization with geometric initial guess (RRT*-TO), Sample based Motion Planning (SST*), and Iterative Search and Optimization (iDb-A*).

The first version [kinodynamic-motion-planning-benchmark](https://github.com/imrCLab/kinodynamic-motion-planning-benchmark) is now deprecated. ## Robots and Problem Description Kinodynamic motion planning problem are defined in [Dynobench](https://github.com/quimortiz/dynobench)

## Examples and Tests Check the tests in `test` to learn how to use the code! ## Planners - Trajectory Optimization: several algorithms for optimization with free terminal time, built on top of Differential Dynamic Programming (Crocoddyl). - RRT*-TO: Geometric Planner RRT* (OMPL) + Trajectory Optimzation - iDb-A*: Iterative disccontinuity bounded search and Trajectory Optimization - SST*: Stable Sparse Tree (OMPL) - Dbrrt, AO-dbrrt and DBrrtConnect, DB-SST* (coming soon!) ## Building You can check the Github CI [cmake.yml](.github/workflows/cmake.yml) to see how to compile the project in latest ubuntu (For ubuntu 20.04, we experienced some issues with g++-9, but clang-13 is fine.) Dependencies: * Boost * fcl (0.7) * yaml-cpp * Eigen3 * Crocoddyl (1.8) * OMPL (1.6) We need OMPL 1.6 for planners RRT + TO and SST. We recommend to install OMPL in a local directory with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, and use -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH here ## Motion Primitives You will find a small set of motion primitives for each system in [dynobench](https://github.com/quimortiz/dynobench). 5000 primitives per system are available in [dynomotions](https://github.com/quimortiz/dynomotions). These primitives are required for running the test. Finally, the comple set of primitives for each system can be downloaded from Google Drive. This can be done manually with a web browser or using the command line with [gdown](https://github.com/wkentaro/gdown). This is required to run the benchmark. For example: ``` gdown --fuzzy "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r_ecGwdfvWnVWxPsvR4d8Hjcayxg5PsB/view?usp=drive_link" ``` We provide the script `download_primitives.bash` to download all primitives, that will be stored in folder `dynomotions_full`. All primitive in two ZIP files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-Nvctva17I8aFsWvHfdQFWTIDUNWwgcM?usp=drive_link Primitves per system: * unicycle1_v0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/15dXqC_OdrI8KjaHRNakYgk9IXLtTeMtt/view?usp=drive_link * quadrotor_v1 (OMPL-style) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r_ecGwdfvWnVWxPsvR4d8Hjcayxg5PsB/view?usp=drive_link * quadrotor_v0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j57kwE5hFgO-46LjStv_zqm6S5BFUsY8/view?usp=drive_link * Acrobot_v0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mLiTgcpXSI9UHHss4Qt7AIsRwJPbPC2H/view?usp=drive_link * Roto_Pole_v0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KMb4IDgucHN8uWI9YN_W07AhX59tkph_/view?usp=drive_link * Planar Rotor_v0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/18kI3qXweA4RgvDxtV3vfxnfc_BhX52j8/view?usp=drive_link * Car1_v0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TPX3c8RvMOy9hiaKL-kUE8M61OknDrDK/view?usp=drive_link * Unicycle 2 _v0 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PoK1kbiLRFq_hkv3pVWU0csNr4hap0WX/view?usp=drive_link * Unicycle 1 v2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IvwN-e1jn5P0P1ILaVwSrUnIeBlFxhHI/view?usp=drive_link * Unicycle 1 v1 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OLuw5XICTueoZuleXOuD6vNh3PCWfHif/view?usp=drive_link ## How to generate motion primitives for new systems We will show how to generate motion primitives for the `integrator1_2d_v0` * Step one: Implement the Dynamics in Dynobench, following the tutorial for the `Integrator2_2d` in the `README` (in this case `integrator1_2d_v0` is already implemented) * Step two: Solve Optimization Problems with Random Start and Goals ``` ./main_primitives --mode_gen_id 0 --dynamics integrator1_2d_v0 --models_base_path ../dynobench/models/ --max_num_primitives 200 --out_file /tmp/my_motions.bin ``` Primitives will be store in `/tmp/my_motions.bin` and `/tmp/my_motions.bin.yaml`. You can pass options to the solver for trajectory optimization. * Step Three: Improve the cost of the primitives ``` ./main_primitives --mode_gen_id 1 --dynamics integrator1_2d_v0 --models_base_path ../dynobench/models/ --max_num_primitives 200 --in_file /tmp/my_motions.bin --solver_id 1 ``` By default, primitives are stored in `/tmp/my_motions.bin.im.bin` and `/tmp/my_motions.bin.im.bin.yaml`. You can pass options to the solver for trajectory optimization. * Step Fours: Randomnly cut primitives ``` ./main_primitives --mode_gen_id 2 --in_file /tmp/my_motions.bin.im.bin --max_num_primitives -1 --max_splits 1 --max_length_cut 50 --min_length_cut 5 --dynamics integrator1_2d_v0 --models_base_path ../dynobench/models/ ``` By default, primitives will be stored in `/tmp/my_motions.bin.im.bin.sp.bin` and `/tmp/my_motions.bin.im.bin.sp.bin.yaml` Done! Additionally, `main_primitives` provide more useful functionality, such as conversion between formats, computing statistics, generating primitives with random rollouts, sorting primitives and resampling of primitives. ## Benchmark Results of reported in our TRO paper are in folder `tro_results`. To replicate the results use commit: `xxxxx`. The code is under continuous development, but the benchmark should work also with newer commits. If you experience any problem, please open an ISSUE. First, download primitives with: ``` bash -x download_primitives.bash ``` Primitvies are stored in a new `dynomotions_full` directory. Next, move to the `build` directory and run commands: Benchmark between planners ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m bench -bc ../benchmark/config/compare.yaml ``` Generate fancy table ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py --mode fancy --bench_cfg ../benchmark/config/plot_results_v3.yaml ``` (last version) ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py --mode fancy --bench_cfg ../benchmark/config/plot_results_v4.yaml ``` Generate table for website ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py --mode fancy --bench_cfg ../benchmark/config/plot_results_v_all.yaml ``` (last version) ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py --mode fancy --bench_cfg ../benchmark/config/plot_results_v_all_v4.yaml ``` Generate plots only for three for the paper. ``` PAPER=1 python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py --mode bench --bench_cfg ../benchmark/config/plot_results_v3_threePlots.yaml ``` ### Search heuristic Study of heuristic functions ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m bench_search -bc ../benchmark/config/bench_search.yaml ``` Only analyze the results ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m bench_search -bc ../benchmark/config/bench_search_make_table_tro.yaml ``` Results for website ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m bench_search -bc ../benchmark/config/bench_search_make_table_tro_all.yaml ``` ### Optimization with Free terminal time Study of strategy for trajectoy optimization with free terminal time ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m bench_time -bc ../benchmark/config/bench_time.yaml ``` Latex Table with subset of results shown in the paper: ``` time python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m bench_time -bc ../benchmark/config/make_table_time_tro.yaml ``` For website table: ``` time python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m bench_time -bc ../benchmark/config/make_table_time_tro_all.yaml ``` Study of time spent in each component ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m study -bc ../benchmark/config/bench_abblation_study.yaml ``` (Results in TRO) ``` python3 ../benchmark/benchmark.py -m study -bc ../benchmark/config/bench_abblation_results_tro.yaml ``` You can modify each config file to change the number of runs, the evaluated problems and the maximum time. The configurations files we used for `TRO` have prefix `TRO`. The paramteres for each algorithm are in `.yaml` files inside the `benchmark/config/algs` directory, for example `idbastar_v0.yaml`. ## Visualization Plot environments (modify python file to select which envs to print) ``` cd build python3 ../plot_all_envs.py ``` Visualize trajectores ``` DO something ``` ## Citing If you use or work for academic research, please cite: ``` @misc{ortizharo2023idba, title={iDb-A*: Iterative Search and Optimization for Optimal Kinodynamic Motion Planning}, author={Joaquim Ortiz-Haro and Wolfgang Hoenig and Valentin N. Hartmann and Marc Toussaint}, year={2023}, eprint={2311.03553}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.RO} } ``` ``` @misc{hoenigDbADiscontinuityboundedSearch2022, title = {Db-A*: Discontinuity-Bounded Search for Kinodynamic Mobile Robot Motion Planning}, author = {Hoenig, Wolfgang and Ortiz-Haro, Joaquim and Toussaint, Marc}, year = {2022}, eprint = {2203.11108}, eprinttype = {arxiv}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11108}, archiveprefix = {arXiv} } ```