ramiromagno / glfw

R Interface to the GLFW C Library
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glfw3 glsl opengl r rstats-package


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{glfw} is an R Interface to the GLFW C Library: https://www.glfw.org.


{glfw} depends on the GLFW C library. Install it first before trying to install {glfw}.

You can install the development version of {glfw} like so:

# install.packages("remotes")


Currently the package functionality can be tested out by running the examples contained in the folder inst/tutorials. The examples provided are taken from two online resources:

The original examples are written in C/C++ but are here adapted to R.

Code organization

  1. Typically, a src/ file has an accompanying R/ file.
  2. Source files starting with glfw_ provide the GLFW API which this package is all about.
  3. Source files starting with glm_ provide the GLM API in R code.
  4. Source files starting with gl_ provide the OpenGL API.
  5. Source files starting with r_ provide novel API but that is not GLFW API per se, typically utility functions.
  6. GL and GLFW constants are generated in data-raw/ and exported as datasets.


This R package is still very early in its development and is hardly usable at the moment. Feedback and contributions are very welcome nevertheless.