ratnick / AutoIrrigation

Autonomous watering system / CO-gas monitor based on Arduino WEMOS D1 mini, controlled via Android app through Firebase cloud. PCB design. Case designed and 3D printed. Key features: Wifi multi-hotspot, Timed Deep sleep / wake-up, persistent memory in sync with cloud, multiplexing of analogue inputs, Secure Cloud communication.
3 stars 1 forks source link
3d-models 3d-printing android-application arduino esp8266 firebase pcb-layout wemos-d1-mini



Autonomous watering system based on Arduino WEMOS D1 mini, controlled via Android app through Firebase cloud. PCB design. Case designed and 3D printed. Key features: Wifi multi-hotspot, Timed Deep sleep / wake-up, persistent memory in sync with cloud, multiplexing of analogue inputs, Secure Cloud communication. Updated to also support an MQ-7 CO monitor (https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-CO-Monitor-Using-MQ-7-Sensor/).

Table of contents

1 Pitch 1

2 Table of contents 1

3 Purpose & Description 1

4 Overall Design drivers 1

5 What you will need to get going…and done. 1

6 System overview 1

7 Hardware & PCB 1

8 Data flow & global data structure 1

9 Google Firebase Cloud 1

10 Arduino control software 1

11 Android App 1

12 Cross-platform: Adding new fields in database 1

13 3D printed case 1

14 Physical Water supply 1

15 Connecting it all 1

16 Daily use, installation, tuning 1

17 Appendix A - Hardware & PCB version 6.0 - not tested 1

18 Log History 1

Purpose & Description

Key use case: I wanted to have an autonomous watering system for outdoor watering on a city terrasse with the following main requirements:

Figur 1. The finished unit. Ready to plug into the soil.

A close up of a piece of paper Description automatically generated

Figur . Same unit - disassembled

A circuit board Description automatically generated

Figur 3. Close-up of the PCB

Figur . The Android app

Overall Design drivers

Based on the key use case, the following was decided up front as system components:

What you will need to get going…and done.

Just to give an indication of the knowledge needed: I am electronics engineer from 91, and have not been coding professionally since 2000. Besides what I did on my study, I have never made electronic circuits, no cloud coding, no 3D modelling, no Android. Except the actual programming, I learned it all through this and a couple of other projects. So it is not really that advanced - just get going.

Apart from that, you will need:

In brieft, you should (details in each section):

  1. Purchase all material.

  2. Download all code, 3D models, documentation and more from GITHub. On top of the code, Ive uploaded real source of e.g. the 3D files (and not just the printable files), and all the relevant KiCAD files.
    At least - that was my intent. If something is missing, let me know.

  3. Install the needed tools. You want to find out up front, if there are problems here.

  4. Get the PCB ordered - there is some delivery time on this. Gerber files and link included (along with source files).

  5. See if everything compiles and installs.

  6. 3D print the case. STL files included (along with source files).

  7. Create the firebase account.

  8. When hardware is received, try to install the Arduino/WEMOS software on the bare D1 mini. It should at least start and connect to your wifi.

  9. Create and run the Android app. It is actually not needed to test, except if you want to delete logs and telemetry. It is also the only way to get a graph of the data.

  10. When PCB is received, mount all the components.

  11. Install the “golden water pressure reducer.

  12. Install the water hoses, turn on the water and enjoy a beer.

System overview

Figur . System overview

Hardware & PCB


  1. All hardware and PCB is designed using KiCAD. Files are found in the GIT file.

Project file: “irrigation v5.2.pro

NOTE: At the time of writing, I have made a version 6.0 which has not yet been PCB printed and tested. That can be found in appendix.

Version 5.2 has been in “production for one summer and works fine. Version 6.0 is optimizing the power conversions, which was a bit cumbersome in 5.2. There are no changes affecting software.


Figur . Hardware overview.

  1. The hardware modules are all on same PCB, except:

  2. Solar panel

  3. Soil moisture probe

  4. The valve and valve driver (which is a 5V => 12V converter). Valve + driver has it is own 3D printed case to facilitate that it is stuck in the soil a bit away from the probe.

  5. The Lithium battery and the solar panel are both attached to the charge unit, which then makes sure to charge the battery whenever possible + provides 5V output power for the device.


Figur 7. All components. (only 1 PCB is used). (soil sensor missing)

File: irrigation v5.3.html (edited)

Ref Qnty Value Part Link Description
J1 1 Sol Connector:Conn_01x02_Female \~ Generic connector, single row, 01x02, script generated
J2 1 Soil sensor Connector:Conn_01x03_Female \~ Generic connector, single row, 01x03, script generated
J3 1 Valve Connector:Conn_01x02_Female \~ Generic connector, single row, 01x02, script generated
J4 1 Batt Connector:Conn_01x02_Female \~ Generic connector, single row, 01x02, script generated
J5 1 Spare conn. Connector:Conn_01x03_Female \~ Generic connector, single row, 01x03, script generated
Opto1 1 PC817 Isolator:PC817 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-20pcs-lot-PC817C-PC817-EL817-EL817C-DIP-4-817-transistor-output-optocoupler/2040307423.html DC Optocoupler, Vce 35V, CTR 50-300%, DIP4
Q1 1 TIP120 Transistor_BJT:TIP120 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10PCS-TIP102-TIP120-TIP122-TIP127-TIP142-TIP147-LM317T-IRF3205-Transistor-TIP142T-TIP147T/32868103655.html 5A Ic, 60V Vce, Silicon Darlington Power NPN Transistor, TO-220
R1 1 100k Device:R \~ Resistor
R2 1 5k Device:R \~ Resistor
Not shown 1 SOIL_SENSOR SOIL_SENSOR https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32832538686.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2a5e131byRhwW0&algo_pvid=8fd1c964-4797-471f-8f57-d15732072438&algo_expid=8fd1c964-4797-471f-8f57-d15732072438-1&btsid=a322b86a-1375-41a4-9e58-6b25d2700253&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3,searchweb201603_53 Capacitive soil moisture sensor
SW1 1 ON/OFF Switch:SW_SPST Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch
SW2 1 flash Switch:SW_Push_Open Push button switch, push-to-open, generic, two pins
U2 1 WeMos_mini wemos_mini:WeMos_mini https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ESP8266-ESP-12-ESP-12F-CH340G-CH340-V2-USB-WeMos-D1-Mini-WIFI-Development-Board-D1/32633763949.html WeMos D1 mini
U4 2 J5019 NNR-lib:J5019 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Lithium-Li-ion-18650-3-7V-4-2V-Battery-Charger-Board-DC-DC-Step-Up-Boost/32901921699.html J5019 Lithium Li-ion 18650 3.7V 4.2V Battery Charger Board DC-DC Step Up Boost Module
U5 1 CD4052B Analog_Switch:CD4052B https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shippin-10pcs-lot-CD74HC4052E-CD74HC4052-74HC4052-DIP16-Switches-new-original/32549841035.html CMOS double 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer, TSSOP-16/DIP-16/SOIC-16
bat_18650 1 Battery_Cell Device:Battery_Cell 18650 battery cell
Not shown 1 valve 12V Normally closed solenoid valve https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32850727204.html
Not shown 1 Solar panel


File: irrigation v5.3.sch

Figur . Schematics.

PCB layout

Supplier: https://firstpcb.com/

File: irrigation v5.3.kicad_pcb

Figur . PCB layout.

Considerations & Notes

If this should be made significantly smaller, the way is first to get rid of all the boards, and use only the components. This is however a “fair amount of work, and deemed not worth the effort.

Export PCB for print

Export to Gerber files

Result should be the following set of files:

File -> Plot

Note: It may not be the exact correct values set below.

Drill holes:

Data flow & global data structure

Note: Firebase is a JSON database, meaning that it is NOT structured in tables (like a relational database is).

System Data Flow

Data structure

Table Field name (in Arduino code) JSON name (Firebase and Android) Type Notes / usage
Irrdevice (one child per device)
metadata (Semi-static configuration, can be updated runtime)
macAddr mac String (not updatable, used as unique device key)
location loc String Physical location, e.g. “ved gasbrænderen
deviceID device String Hardcoded to device model identifier, PCB version etc
sensorType sensor type String What sensor type is used (for future scaling to other kinds of sensors)
hardware hw String Which hardware is used
softwareVersion sw String Software name and compile time
state (updated by device)
SSID SSID String Current hotspot
runOnce runOnce boolean Used for debugging and testing
timestamp timestamp long ms since 1970.
Assigned on Firebase server side
sleepCurCycle slpCurCyc int Current sleep cycle. Between zero and sleepMaxCycles
sleepSecondsToSleep slpDura Int Seconds See below
sleepMaxCycles slpMxCyc Int See below
settings (can be set runtime by both device and user)
UserUpdate Updated boolean Set to true by app or user if user updates any value. Set to false by device when device reads the values.
runMode runMode String Soil|water|gas|sensor|batt|testhw The device can run in different modes. For normal autonomous watering, use “soil
valveOpenDuration vlvOpen Int Seconds the valve is open (if soil is too dry)
soakTime vlvSoak Int Seconds until soil humidity is measured after watering.
humLimit humLim int Percentage If humidity \< humlimit, watering will be performed.
mainLoopDelay loopSec Int Seconds to wait between the loop cycles within a single power cycle. The device is awake during this waiting time, so it should not be too long.
debugLevel db int 0: only fatal errors are logged to the Firebase log 1-4: more and more logs.
sleepEnabled slpEnabl boolean Sleep control parameter.
totalSecondsToSleep totSlp int Sleep control parameter. Total seconds for a sleep cycle. During runtime it is converted to sleepSecondsToSleep and sleepMaxCycles as: sleepMaxCycles = # of cycles sleeping at max_sleep_duration (hardware number) sleepSecondsToSleep = remainder (last sleep cycles has this duration).
wakeupTime[0..3] wakeTime0 wakeTime1 wakeTime2 wakeTime3 String Sleep control parameter. HHMMSS 0/1/2 used to set 3 different wake up times per day. 3 is used internally by the device and should not be altered.
pauseWakeTime pauseTime String Sleep control parameter. HHMMSS NOTE: This is not used by the device. Left-over.
telemetry_ (last set of values received from device)
Vcc Vcc float Measured battery voltage (provided measurement mode is “battery voltage )
humidity Hum float Measured humidity (provided measurement mode is “humidity )
lastAnalogueReading lastAnalog int Voltage Raw reading (0-1023)
lastOpenTimestamp lastOpen string Time when the valve was opened the last time (readable format)
timestamp timestamp long ms since 1970.
Assigned on Firebase server side
valveState vlvState int 0: valve closed, 1: valve open
wifi Wifi int Wifi signal strength in dB
telemetry all values received from device. One entry per timestamp
Same as telemetry_current
log Real time log (controlled by debugLevel)
time ts
text txt

Considerations & Notes

Google Firebase Cloud

We use a Google Firebase Realtime database as cloud.


  1. https://console.firebase.google.com/

  2. Sign up, if needed.

  3. Create a project: Create project

    1. Name: irrigation

      1. Note that this name is used in noth Arduino (FIREBASE_HOST)

      2. Android code (FB_PROJECT_ID) + in app/google-services.json

    2. ID: irrigation-XXXXXXX

  4. Activate the free trial, if needed

  1. Select Develop => Database

  2. Choose to create a new Realtime Database (NOT a Cloud Firestore). Start in test mode, but be aware to change later.

    1. Auth tokens (Database secrets)

Go to Project overview -> Settings -> Service accounts

Show and Copy the “secret and insert into Arduino code (typically called FIREBASE_AUTH)






Arduino control software


The Arduino software has the following features:

Software Components

Tools & setup

vMicro extension setup

Uploading to board - and problems/tips

Note that when uploading there are two things that can tease a bit:

Figure 1. The sleep feature may tease when debugging.

Figure 2. Message you get if battery is flat.

Future features:

Android App

I may use wrong terminology here - I am not very familiar with Android. But the simple app works 😊




Get the google-services.json configuration file from: https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/7015592?hl=en


Cross-platform: Adding new fields in database


Data structure is defined in source code files:


3D printed case

Order of design

  1. Model each hardware component. Placed in separate proejcts.

  2. Import needed

  3. Place them physically as wished

  4. Create base floor. Project spefici markers from the needed components - nothing else.

Main components

F3d files: 3D models of hardware components. This makes it way easier to try out different layouts.

F3z files: Design of the casing for the irrigation unit. These are importing the hardware models.

Main Box for PCB

File: Irrigation unit - Main box (side mounted)

Figur . Main box

Figur 11. Main box with model of PCB and soil sensor.

Top box with solar panel

File: Irrigation unit - Main box (side mounted)

Figur 12. Ceiling to main box

Figur . ...with solar panel

Box for valve and valve driver

File: Irrigation unit - valve box

Figur 14. Box for valve and valve driver - seen from the bottom.

Figur ...with components inside

Considerations and notes

The principles has been to make it rain resistant by using the fact that “water do not run upwards 😊 . So it is not water or dust tight, but it can withstand heavy rain, as long as the device is properly put in the ground.


Physical Water supply

A regular water outlet produce way too much pressure, so reducing the pressure is essential. It is the basis for


4/6 mm (inner/outer diameter) flexible water hose.

(link may come later)

Adjustable water pressure reducer


DN15 Adjustable Brass Water Pressure Reducing Regulator Valve Internal and outer thread PN 1.6 and Pressure Gauge.


From my memory, water pressure is around 0,1 bar. If it is too high, the valve will not operate. If too low then it takes too long to water => higher power consumption. An open valve uses \~10W (12V, 1A).

Connecting it all

When done, there are a few pieces that need to be put together.

The main pieces are here:

Daily use, installation, tuning


The hard work pays off:

Appendix A - Hardware & PCB version 6.0 - not tested

Version 6.0 is optimizing the power conversions, which was a bit cumbersome in 5.2. There are no changes affecting software.


File: irrigation v6.0.html

Component Count:16

Ref Qnty Value Part Description Vendor
J1 1 Connector to Solar panel Connector:Conn_01x02_Female Generic connector, single row, 01x02, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)
J2 1 Connector to Batt Connector:Conn_01x02_Female Generic connector, single row, 01x02, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)
J3, J4 2 Connector to Valve Connector:Conn_01x02_Female Generic connector, single row, 01x02, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)
J5 1 Connector to Capacitive soil sensor Connector:Conn_01x03_Female Generic connector, single row, 01x03, script generated (kicad-library-utils/schlib/autogen/connector/)
L1 1 12V Valve Device:Electromagnetic_Actor Electromagnetic actor
Opto1 1 PC817 Isolator:PC817 DC Optocoupler, Vce 35V, CTR 50-300%, DIP4 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-Shipping-20pcs-lot-PC817C-PC817-EL817-EL817C-DIP-4-817-transistor-output-optocoupler/2040307423.html
Q1 1 TIP120 Transistor_BJT:TIP120 5A Ic, 60V Vce, Silicon Darlington Power NPN Transistor, TO-220 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10PCS-TIP102-TIP120-TIP122-TIP127-TIP142-TIP147-LM317T-IRF3205-Transistor-TIP142T-TIP147T/32868103655.html
R1 1 100k Device:R Resistor
R2 1 5k Device:R Resistor
SW1 1 flash Switch:SW_Push_Open Push button switch, push-to-open, generic, two pins
U1 1 J5019 NNR-lib:J5019 J5019 Lithium Li-ion 18650 3.7V 4.2V Battery Charger Board DC-DC Step Up Boost Module https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Lithium-Li-ion-18650-3-7V-4-2V-Battery-Charger-Board-DC-DC-Step-Up-Boost/32901921699.html
U2 1 12-24V to 1.8-12V_DCDC_converter NNR-lib:12-24V-1.8-12V_DCDC_converter https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Ultra-Small-Size-DC-DC-Step-Down-Power-Supply-Module-3A-Buck-Converter-Adjustable-1-8V/32880983608.html
U3 1 WeMos_mini wemos_mini:WeMos_mini WeMos D1 mini R2 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ESP8266-ESP-12-ESP-12F-CH340G-CH340-V2-USB-WeMos-D1-Mini-WIFI-Development-Board-D1/32633763949.html
U4 1 CD4052B Analog_Switch:CD4052B CMOS double 4-channel analog multiplexer/demultiplexer, TSSOP-16/DIP-16/SOIC-16 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shippin-10pcs-lot-CD74HC4052E-CD74HC4052-74HC4052-DIP16-Switches-new-original/32549841035.html
bat_1 1 Battery_Cell Device:Battery_Cell Single-cell battery type 18650
SOLAR 1 Solar panel https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ANBES-Solar-Panel-5V-6V-12V-Mini-Solar-System-DIY-For-Battery-Cell-Phone-Chargers-Portable/32848710253.html
Not shown 1 valve 12V Normally closed solenoid valve https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32850727204.html


File: irrigation v6.0.sch

PCB layout

File: irrigation v6.0.kicad_pcb

Log History

Date Updates Affected modules
15-dec-2019 Initial public version all

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