red-gold / react-social-network

Simple React Social Network
MIT License
489 stars 485 forks source link
async boilerplate create-react-app firebase immutablejs inversifyjs ioc-container material-ui react react-redux react-router-v4 redux redux-immutable redux-saga redux-sagas redux-thunk responsive social social-network typescript

⚠️ We no longer develop this repository. Follow new version in Telar Social. Telar Social Network composed by:

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The React Social Network is an open source project relying on React a powerful javascript library for building the user interface. In this project, I tried to show some features of react/react components as a social network. The structure of this project give the ability to developer to develop their project on their own idea and environment.

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🌟New Upgrade :

React Social Network is moving on redux-saga however we keep redux-thunk version of React Social Network in branch name v0.5. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated by :heart:.

You should consult the CHANGELOG and related issues for more information

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to

Before Starting

First of all this is a boilerplate react social and the purpose is to find the best way to implement a huge project such as social network by React . We learn what technology or algorithm could be better solution for our project by React. Please approach to this project with these ideas and if you feel that you have better solution, to our great pleasure if we could have your contribution.


Love Open Social

Required Knowledge

I recommend that you get to know React before using React Social Network. React Social Network has built by React components, so understanding how React fits into web development is important.

(If you're not familiar with the concept of Single Page Applications (SPAs), head over to the here for a quick introduction before you read on.


Comming soon :) ...


Supporting diverse data platforms

Platform Accessible
Firebase/Firestore :+1:
Amazon Web Service (AWS) On Developing :zap:
Azure Future Support :star:
ASP.NET Core On Developing :zap:

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Install NodeJs


$ npm install --global --production windows-build-tools and then install the package

$ npm install --global node-gyp


You also have this blog which explain installation in details and for all level.

  1. Fork the react-social-network repository on Github
  2. Clone your fork to your local machine
    git clone<yourname>/react-social-network.git
  3. Go to the project root directory
    cd react-social-network
  4. To install node dependencies use
    npm install


    yarn install
  5. Choose and install your backend before installing UI. React Network is able to be connected with every backend. Here we are developing some and you should choose one.

    Firestore Video tutorial

    Install React Social Network

    With Firestore

    With AWS

    • Coming soon ...

      With ASP.NET

    • Coming soon ...
  6. Go ahead ;)
    npm start

What is new? :star2:


New structure could make the project easy to change and scale up. There are three main layers:

IOC Container

:heart_eyes: It also would be great if you could contribute your clientData and backend with us to be part of this contribution. We would appreciate any conntribution.:thumbsup:


Built With

:heart: Contributing :heart:

React Social Network has been made by love:heart:. I planed to build a back-end for this project and improve the performance as I process all procedures on the front-end side. If you'd like to help, check out the document. I'd greatly appreciate any contribution


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


How To Support

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
