reinforced / Reinforced.Typings

Converts C# classes to TypeScript interfaces (and many more) within project build. 0-dependency, minimal, gluten-free
MIT License
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asp-net asp-net-mvc ast code-generator csharp msbuild mvc5 typescript

What is that?

You develop frontend applications with TypeScript and .NET Backend? You need Reinforced.Typings.

It converts .NET classes into TypeScript code. Suffering has ended - you don't need to write and maintain boring TypeScript glue code for your DTOs/ViewModels/APIs anymore - RT can generate it from C# app. Moreover, it integrates with MSBuild build process and (re)generates glue code every time you rebuild .NET backend. So you get immediately notified when backend's API/DTOs changed and frontend is broken.

Check out documentation to discover numbers of useful features (type substitutions, modules, code generators, fluent configuration, multi-file export, JSDOC).

Reinforced.Typings is available on NuGet.

PM> Install-Package Reinforced.Typings

Find out detailed information in Reinforced.Typings wiki


Version 1.6.3 released

Support policy

Please do not ask your questions in github issues anymore. Such format is not suitable for storing FAQ. If you have question - please go to StackOverflow and ask it there. Tag your question with reinforced-typings tag. I watch full list of questions and will answer ASAP. Make experience that you've got available for other users!

UPD: You can notify me about question by sending link via Twitter (@reinforced_sc) to get answer faster.

GitHub issues are for confirmed bugs/feature requests now. If you've found bug - please write and PR test if you can. If you have feature idea - please describe it from fluent/attribute configuration point of view. Describe how'd you gonna to configure RT for desired result. Thanks in advance!

Best to be used for

Exporting ViewModels

namespace MyApp
    using Reinforced.Typings.Attributes;

    public class Order
        public string ItemName { get; set; }
        public int Quantity { get; set; }
        public double Subtotal { get; set; }
        public bool IsPaid { get; set; }
        public string ClientName { get; set; }
        public string Address { get; set; }

    public class User
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string Email { get; set; }
        public UserType Type { get; set; }

    public enum UserType { One, Two }

module MyApp {
    export interface IOrder
        ItemName: string;
        Quantity: number;
        Subtotal: number;
        IsPaid: boolean;
        ClientName: string;
        Address: string;
    export class User
        public FirstName: string;
        public Email: string;
        public Type: MyApp.UserType;
    export enum UserType { 
        One = 0, 
        Two = 1, 

...even complex ViewModels

namespace MyApp
    using Reinforced.Typings.Attributes;

    public class Page
        public List Orders { get; set; }

        public Dictionary 
                        Cache { get; set; }

        public string[] Tags { get; set; }

        public IEnumerable 
                        Things { get; set; }

module MyApp {
    export interface IPage
        Orders: MyApp.IOrder[];
        Cache: { [key:number]: MyApp.IOrder };
        Tags: string[];
        Things: any[];

Temporary disabling TypeScript compilation in your project

Now you will not stay powerless when generated typings fail your TypeScript build in project. See RtBypassTypeScriptCompilation configuration parameter.

Inheritance preservation

namespace MyApp
    using Reinforced.Typings.Attributes;

    public interface INonExport
        string Boom { get; }

    public class WithoutInterface
                : INonExport
        public string Boom { get; set; }

    public interface IEntity
        int Id { get; set; }

    public class User : IEntity
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string Login { get; set; }

module MyApp {
    export interface IWithoutInterface
        Boom: string;
    export interface IEntity
        Id: number;
    export interface IUser extends MyApp.IEntity
        Id: number;
        Login: string;

Use fluent configuration

Details can be found on the corresponding wiki page

namespace MyApp
    using Reinforced.Typings.Fluent;
    using System.Web.Mvc;

    public class Configuration
        public static void 
            Configure(ConfigurationBuilder builder)

module MyApp {
    export interface ISelectListItem
        Disabled: boolean;
        Group: any;
        Selected: boolean;
        Text: string;
        Value: string;
Reinforced.Typings.settings.xml: <RtConfigurationMethod>MyApp.Configuration.Configure</RtConfigurationMethod>

Generate any custom glue code

Read more here.

namespace MyApp
    using Reinforced.Typings.Fluent;
    using System.Web.Mvc;

    [TsClass(CodeGeneratorType = typeof(AngularControllerGenerator)]
    public class AngularController : Controller
        public ActionResult Save(Order order)
            return Json(new {
                Message = "Success",
                Success = true

    public class AngularMethodAttribute 
            : TsFunctionAttribute
        public AngularMethodAttribute(Type returnType)
            StrongType = returnType;
            CodeGeneratorType = typeof 

    public class AngularActionCallGenerator 
            : MethodCodeGenerator
        // too long - see sample

    public class AngularControllerGenerator 
            : ClassCodeGenerator
        // too long - see sample

    public class SampleResponseModel
        public string Message { get; set; }
        public bool Success { get; set; }    

module MyApp {
    export interface ISampleResponseModel
        Message: string;
        Success: boolean;

    if (window['app']) {
            ($http: angular.IHttpService) => new AngularController($http)]);

    /** Result of AngularControllerGenerator activity */
    export class AngularController
        constructor ($http: angular.IHttpService)
            this.http = $http;
        public Save(order: IOrder) : angular.IPromise<ISampleResponseModel>
            var params = { 'order': order };
            return'/Angular/Save', params)
                .then((response) => { return; });