rimo030 / type-challenges

Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge
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Type Challenges

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13・Hello World 4・Pick 7・Readonly 9・Deep Readonly 11・Tuple to Object 14・First of Array 18・Length of Tuple 43・Exclude 189・Awaited 268・If 533・Concat 898・Includes 3057・Push 3060・Unshift 3312・Parameters 2・Get Return Type 16・Pop 3・Omit 8・Readonly 2 10・Tuple to Union 15・Last of Array 62・Type Lookup 108・Trim 106・Trim Left 4803・Trim Right 3062・Shift 531・String to Union 5310・Join 5117・Without 1042・IsNever 459・Flatten 116・Replace 119・ReplaceAll 599・Merge 298・Length of String 3192・Reverse 27932・MergeAll 25170・Replace First 5153・IndexOf 223・IsAny 5360・Unique 5317・LastIndexOf 2595・PickByType 2852・OmitByType 29785・Deep Omit 28333・Public Type 2688・StartsWith 2693・EndsWith 2757・PartialByKeys 949・AnyOf 2759・RequiredByKeys 18220・Filter 3188・Tuple to Nested Object 4518・Fill 9989・Count Element Number To Object 9616・Parse URL Params 651・Length of String 2 57・Get Required 59・Get Optional 89・Required Keys 90・Optional Keys 5・Get Readonly Keys 2070・Drop Char 2059・Drop String 2822・Split 300・String to Number 270・Typed Get 399・Tuple Filter 147・C-printf Parser 9142・CheckRepeatedChars 1978・Percentage Parser 2946・ObjectEntries 3243・FlattenDepth 2257・MinusOne 4425・Greater Than 847・String Join 1097・IsUnion 25747・IsNegativeNumber 1130・ReplaceKeys 2857・IsRequiredKey 2793・Mutable 5181・Mutable Keys 2828・ClassPublicKeys 30301・IsOdd 9286・FirstUniqueCharIndex 10969・Integer 8640・Number Range 3326・BEM style string 1367・Remove Index Signature 4484・IsTuple 5821・MapTypes 27958・CheckRepeatedTuple 527・Append to object 529・Absolute 4499・Chunk 29650・ExtractToObject 5140・Trunc 18142・All 9896・GetMiddleElement 645・Diff 14080・FizzBuzz 28143・OptionalUndefined 21104・FindAll 545・printf 296・Permutation 4179・Flip 32427・Unbox 8767・Combination 4260・AllCombinations 21106・Combination key type 17・Currying 1 216・Slice 16259・ToPrimitive 3196・Flip Arguments 12・Chainable Options 112・Capitalize Words 612・KebabCase 114・CamelCase 20・Promise.all 55・Union to Intersection 956・DeepPick 9898・Appear only once 151・Query String Parser 9775・Capitalize Nest Object Keys 7258・Object Key Paths 472・Tuple to Enum Object 4471・Zip 3376・InorderTraversal 191・Append Argument 110・Capitalize 7544・Construct Tuple 27862・CartesianProduct 17973・DeepMutable

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