The backend app for FIRST Competition scouting.
You'll need to create a .env
file that contains the values for the Django secret keys, The Blue Alliance authentication key, as well as the port you want the webserver to listen on.
can be set to whatever you want, and the keys can be gotten from another code team member.
# you can manually specify a year to fetch TBA data from by appending YEAR=<year> to the command
make setup # clean old folders, install dependencies, migrate DB, and fetch TBA data
make run # run the server
Additional commands:
make scss # generate the SCSS files
make format # format Python code
make runserver # just run the Django server
make clean # clean up directories and files
make migrate # migrate database
make TBA # fetch TBA data
make admin # create admin user
pip install pipenv # install pipenv
pipenv install # install dependencies
pipenv run python migrate # migrate DB
pipenv run python setupEvent # fetch data from TBA
pipenv run python createsuperuser # create Django admin superuser
pipenv run python runserver # run server
Alternatively, you can use pipenv shell
to active the venv and run commands from inside of it