rohitvarkey / GraphBenchmarks.jl

Easily implement benchmarks for Julia graph libraries
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benchmark graphs julia


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GraphBenchmarks is aimed at providing a package to be able to write benchmarks for Graph libraries in Julia easily. It provides interfaces that can be specialized on by Graph libraries and allow for easily switching between benchmark specifications, graph representation, graph algorithms and input graph generators.


The idea behind this package is to be able to perform a workflow such as

using GraphBenchmarks
using StingerWrapper, LightGraphs
levelsyncstinger = benchmark(Graph500(), StingerGraph, LevelSynchronousBFS(), Kronecker(15, 16))
serialstinger = benchmark(Graph500(), StingerGraph, SerialBFS(), Kronecker(15, 16))
seriallightgraphs = benchmark(Graph500(), LGGraph{DiGraph}, BFS(), Kronecker(15, 16))


The benchmark function

The benchmark function is the core function of the package which is

function benchmark{B <: GraphBenchmarkSpec, T <: GraphType, A <: GraphAlgorithm, G <: GraphGenerator}(
    #Generate the edges to be added based on the generator. All generators should return a 2D Array with
    #the edges.
    edges = generate(generator)
    #construct a graph `g` of type `t` with the edges in `edges`
    g = construct(t, edges)
    #Run the benchmark
    trial = runbench(benchmark, alg, g)

The abstract types

Users can create subtypes of the each of the abstract types for the following usecases:

Defining the benchmark

A runbench method that takes the benchmark specifications, the algorithm to be used and the graph type should return a BenchmarkTools.Trial. Ideally, the package should provide a macro to replace @benchmarkable and assign parameters to it that have been configured in the package.


See LightGraphs and StingerWrapper as examples on using the interface and the tests to see an example workflow.

NOTE: This is a prototype and the interface is subject to change.