.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pervect.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/pervect/0.0.1/ .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/scikit-tda/pervect.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/scikit-tda/pervect .. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/scikit-tda/pervect/branch/master/graph/badge.svg :target: https://codecov.io/gh/scikit-tda/pervect .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-BSD%203--Clause-blue.svg :target: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
PerVect is a library for Persistence-diagram Vectorization -- converting the output of a persistent homology computation to a vector from which it is still possible to compute a close approximation to persistent Wasserstein distance. This is managed by approximating a training set of persistence diagrams with Gaussian mixture models; vectorizing a diagram as the weighted maximum likelihood estimate of the mixture weights for the learned components given the diagram; and then measuring the Wasserstein distance between vectorized diagrams by the Wasserstein distance between the corresponding Gaussian mixtures. As the number of components in mixture model increases the accuracy of the approximation increases accordingly, with equivalence in the limit.
The library is implemented as a Scikit-learn <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/>
transformer -- taking a list of
persistence diagrams (preferably in birth-lifetime format) as input, and producing
vector representations. Alternatively UMAP can be used to convert to a lower dimensional
Euclidean distance representation.
The pervect library inherits from sklearn classes and can be used as an sklearn transformer. Assuming that you have a list persistence diagrams where each diagram is a numpy array of points in 2D then you can vectorize by simply applying:
.. code:: python
import pervect
vects = pervect.PersistenceVectorizer().fit_transform(diagrams)
It can also be used in standard sklearn pipelines along with other machine learning tools including clustering and classifiers. For example, given a set of training diagrams, and a separate test set of diagrams we could do:
.. code:: python
import pervect vectorizer = pervect.PersistenceVectorizer().fit(train) train_vectors = vectorizer.transform(train) test_vectors = vectorizer.transform(test)
The vectorizer is also effective at efficiently approximating Wasserstein distance between diagrams. A trained model can compute pairwise Wasserstein distance between a list of diagrams as follows:
.. code:: python
import pervect vectorizer = pervect.PersistenceVectorizer().fit(train) test_diagram_distances = vectorizer.pairwise_p_wasserstein_distance(test, p=1)
The vectorizer can also automatically produce UMAP representations of the diagrams, either using "hellinger" distance or Wasserstein distance (note that transforming new data using Wassersteing trained UMAP is currently unavailable).
.. code:: python
import pervect diagram_map = pervect.PersistenceVectorizer(apply_umap=True).fit(diagrams)
You can install pervect from PyPI with pip:
.. code:: bash
pip install pervect
For a manual install get this package:
.. code:: bash
wget https://github.com/scikit-tda/pervect/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
rm master.zip
cd pervect-master
Install the requirements
.. code:: bash
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the package
.. code:: bash
pip install .
This package was inspired by and builds upon the work of Elizabeth Munch, Jose Perea, Firas Khasawneh and Sarah Tymochko. You can refer the the papers:
Jose A. Perea, Elizabeth Munch, Firas A. Khasawneh, Approximating Continuous Functions on Persistence Diagrams Using Template Functions, arXiv:1902.07190
Sarah Tymochko, Elizabeth Munch, Firas A. Khasawneh, Adaptive Partitioning for Template Functions on Persistence Diagrams, arXiv:1910.08506v1
The pervect package is 3-clause BSD licensed.
We would like to note that the pervect package makes heavy use of
NumFOCUS sponsored projects, and would not be possible without
their support of those projects, so please consider contributing to NumFOCUS <https://www.numfocus.org/membership>
Contributions are more than welcome! There are lots of opportunities
for potential projects, so please get in touch if you would like to
help out. Everything from code to notebooks to
examples and documentation are all equally valuable so please don't feel
you can't contribute. To contribute please
fork the project <https://github.com/scikit-tda/pervect/issues#fork-destination-box>
make your changes and
submit a pull request. We will do our best to work through any issues with
you and get your code merged into the main branch.