sen-pai / InfoGAIL

Pytorch implementation of InfoGAIL and WGAIL
MIT License
18 stars 2 forks source link
gail imitation-learning wgan


A Pytorch implementation of InfoGAIL built on top of stable-baselines3 and imiation.

Core changes to the imitation repository v0.2.0 are done to implement InfoGAIL We have kept only necessary files from the imitation repository.

Changes for WGAIL

Two new classes in src\imitation\rewards\

Two new classes in src\imitation\algorithms\

Sample test script for WGAIL: python .\ -r testing_wgail -t minigrid_empty_right_down -f --vis-trained

Policy was consistent even if env was changed from "MiniGrid-Empty-6x6-v0" to "MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0" and "MiniGrid-Empty-5x5-v0" while testing

Additional Modules for CNN-GAIL

To avoid any more core changes to the imitation library, all classes needed to execute a CNN version of GAIL and WGAIL are saved in the cnn_modules folder.

Two new discriminator classes in cnn_modules/

To use the CNN version of GAIL or WGAIL, exclude the -f arg. A sample test script for CNN-GAIL: python .\ -r testing_cnngail -t img_no_stack_minigrid_empty_down_right --vis-trained