septentrio-gnss / septentrio_gnss_driver

ROS 1 & 2 driver for Septentrio GNSS & INS receivers
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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automation gnss inertial-navigation-systems robotics ros

ROSaic = ROS + mosaic


This repository hosts drivers for ROS 1 (Melodic and Noetic) and ROS 2 (Foxy, Galactic, Humble, Iron, Rolling, and beyond) - written in C++ - that work with mosaic and AsteRx - two of Septentrio's cutting-edge GNSS and GNSS/INS receiver families - and beyond. Both ROS 1 and ROS 2 are supported within one repository.

Main Features:

Please let the maintainers know of your success or failure in using the driver with other devices so we can update this page appropriately.


Important notes

Notes Before Usage + The driver assumes that our anonymous access to the Rx grants us full control rights. This should be the case by default, and can otherwise be changed with the `setDefaultAccessLevel` command. If user control is in place user credentials can be given by parameters `login.user` and `login.password`. + Note for serial connection: Make sure the user is part of the `dialout` group to have full access to the serial ports. If not, add it for example with `sudo adduser [username] dialout`. + Note for setting hw_flow_control: This is a string parameter, setting it to off without quotes leads to the fact that it is not read in correctly. + Note for setting ant_(aux1)_serial_nr: This is a string parameter, numeric only serial numbers should be put in quotes. If this is not done a warning will be issued and the driver tries to parse it as integer. + Note for usage of NTRIP via USB with virtual ethernet (RNDIS): RNDIS provides a virtual network connection only between the receiver and the PC. First outgoing network access via USB has to be activated, which is explained [here]( Next setup internet sharing under Linux by setting the connection of the virtual network interface (the name should be something like enx1a3202991545) to "Shared to other computers". + Once the build or binary installation is finished, adapt the `config/rover.yaml` file according to your needs or assemble a new one, examples for GNSS specific parameters `config/gnss.yaml` and INS `config/ins.yaml` are also available. Specify the communication parameters, the ROS messages to be published, the frequency at which the latter should happen etc.
ROS 1: Launch the `launch/rover.launch` to use `rover.yaml` or add `param_file_name:=xxx` to use a custom config.
ROS 2: Launch as composition with `ros2 launch septentrio_gnss_driver` to use `rover.yaml` or add `file_name:=xxx.yaml` to use a custom config. Alternatively launch as node with `ros2 launch septentrio_gnss_driver` to use `rover_node.yaml` or add `file_name:=xxx.yaml` to use a custom config. Specify the communication parameters, the ROS messages to be published, the frequency at which the latter should happen etc. + Besides the aforementioned config file `rover.yaml` containing all parameters, specialized launch files for GNSS `config/gnss.yaml` and INS `config/ins.yaml` respectively contain only the relevant parameters in each case. - NOTE: Unless `configure_rx` is set to `false`, this driver will overwrite the previous values of the parameters, even if the value is left to zero in the "yaml" file. + The driver was developed and tested with firmware versions >= 4.10.0 for GNSS and >= 1.3.2 for INS. Receivers with older firmware versions are supported but some features may not be available. Known limitations are: * GNSS with firmware < 4.10.0 does not support IP over USB. * GNSS with firmware < 4.12.1 does not support OSNMA. * GNSS with firmware < 4.14 does not support PTP server clock. * INS with firmware <= 1.2.0 does not support velocity aiding. * INS with firmware <= 1.2.0 does not support setting of initial heading. * INS with firmware < 1.3.2 does not support NTP. * INS with firmware < 1.4 does not support OSNMA. * INS with firmware < 1.4.1 does not support improved VSM handling allowing for unknown variances. * INS does not support PTP server clock as of now. + Known issues: * UDP over USB: Blocks are sent twice on GNSS with firmware <= 4.12.1 and INS with firmware <= 1.4. For GNSS it is fixed in version 4.14 (released on June 15th 2023), for INS is fixed in 1.4.1 (released November 2023). + If `use_ros_axis_orientation` to `true` axis orientations are converted by the driver between NED (Septentrio: yaw = 0 is north, positive clockwise) and ENU (ROS: yaw = 0 is east, positive counterclockwise). There is no conversion when setting this parameter to `false` and the angles will be consistent with the web GUI in this case. :
``` # Example configuration Settings for the Rover Rx device: tcp:// serial: baudrate: 921600 hw_flow_control: "off" stream_device: tcp: ip_server: "" port: 0 udp: ip_server: "" port: 0 unicast_ip: "" configure_rx: true custom_commands_file: "" login: user: "" password: "" osnma: mode: "off" ntp_server: "" keep_open: true frame_id: gnss imu_frame_id: imu poi_frame_id: base_link vsm_frame_id: vsm aux1_frame_id: aux1 vehicle_frame_id: base_link insert_local_frame: false local_frame_id: odom get_spatial_config_from_tf: true lock_utm_zone: true use_ros_axis_orientation: true receiver_type: gnss datum: Default poi_to_arp: delta_e: 0.0 delta_n: 0.0 delta_u: 0.0 att_offset: heading: 0.0 pitch: 0.0 ant_type: Unknown ant_aux1_type: Unknown ant_serial_nr: Unknown ant_aux1_serial_nr: Unknown leap_seconds: 18 polling_period: pvt: 500 rest: 500 use_gnss_time: false ntp_server: false ptp_server_clock: false latency_compensation: false rtk_settings: ntrip_1: id: "NTR1" caster: "" caster_port: 2101 username: "Asterix" password: "password" mountpoint: "mtpt1" version: "v2" tls: true fingerprint: "AA:BB:56:78:90:12: ... 78:90:12:34" rtk_standard: "RTCMv3" send_gga: "auto" keep_open: true ntrip_2: id: "NTR3" caster: "" caster_port: 2101 username: "Obelix" password: "password" mountpoint: "mtpt2" version: "v2" tls: false fingerprint: "" rtk_standard: "RTCMv2" send_gga: "auto" keep_open: true ip_server_1: id: "IPS3" port: 28785 rtk_standard: "RTCMv2" send_gga: "auto" keep_open: true ip_server_2: id: "IPS5" port: 28786 rtk_standard: "CMRv2" send_gga: "auto" keep_open: true serial_1: port: "COM1" baud_rate: 230400 rtk_standard: "auto" send_gga: "sec1" keep_open: true serial_2: port: "COM2" baud_rate: 230400 rtk_standard: "auto" send_gga: "off" keep_open: true publish: # For both GNSS and INS Rxs auto_publish: false publish_only_valid: false navsatfix: false gpsfix: true gpgga: false gprmc: false gpst: false measepoch: false pvtcartesian: false pvtgeodetic: true basevectorcart: false basevectorgeod: false poscovcartesian: false poscovgeodetic: true velcovcartesian: false velcovgeodetic: false atteuler: true attcoveuler: true pose: false twist: false diagnostics: false aimplusstatus: true galauthstatus: false # For GNSS Rx only gpgsa: false gpgsv: false # For INS Rx only insnavcart: false insnavgeod: false extsensormeas: false imusetup: false velsensorsetup: false exteventinsnavcart: false exteventinsnavgeod: false imu: false localization: false tf: false localization_ecef: false tf_ecef: false # INS-Specific Parameters ins_spatial_config: imu_orientation: theta_x: 0.0 theta_y: 0.0 theta_z: 0.0 poi_lever_arm: delta_x: 0.0 delta_y: 0.0 delta_z: 0.0 ant_lever_arm: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 vsm_lever_arm: vsm_x: 0.0 vsm_y: 0.0 vsm_z: 0.0 ins_initial_heading: auto ins_std_dev_mask: att_std_dev: 5.0 pos_std_dev: 10.0 ins_use_poi: true ins_vsm: source: "twist" config: [true, false, false] variances_by_parameter: true variances: [0.1, 0.0, 0.0] ip_server: id: "IPS2" port: 28787 keep_open: true serial: port: "COM3" baud_rate: 115200 keep_open: true # Logger activate_debug_log: false ``` In order to launch ROSaic, the launch command for ROS 1 reads `roslaunch septentrio_gnss_driver rover.launch param_file_name:=rover` and for ROS 2 reads `ros2 launch septentrio_gnss_driver file_name:=rover.yaml`. If multiple port are utilized for RTK corrections and/or VSM, which shall be closed after driver shutdown (`keep_open: false`), make sure to give the driver enough time to gracefully shutdown as closing the ports takes a few seconds. For ROS 2, this can be accomplished in the launch files by increasing the timeout of SIGTERM (e.g. `sigterm_timeout = '10',`), see example launch files``and `` respectively.


ROS This driver functions on ROS 1 [Melodic]( and [Noetic]( or ROS 2 [Foxy](, [Galactic](, [Humble]( [Iron](, [Jazzy](, and [Rolling]( (Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, or 24.04 respectively). It is thus necessary to install the ROS version that has been designed for your Linux distro.

Installation via apt

Binary Install The binary release is available for ROS 1 (Melodic and Noetic) and ROS 2 (Foxy, Galactic, Humble, Iron, Jazzy, and Rolling). Since Melodic, Foxy, and Galactic are EOL, only Noetic, Humble, Iron, Jazzy, and Rolling will get updated versions. To install the binary package, simply run `sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-septentrio-gnss-driver`.

Build from source

Build + Building ROSaic only works from C++17 onwards due to the usage of std::any() etc. #### Dependencies for development Additional ROS packages have to be installed for the NMEA and GPSFix messages.

ROS 1: `sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-nmea-msgs ros-$ROS_DISTRO-gps-common`.

ROS 2: `sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-nmea-msgs ros-$ROS_DISTRO-gps-msgs`.

The serial and TCP/IP communication interface of the ROS driver is established by means of the [Boost C++ library]( In the unlikely event that the below installation instructions fail to install Boost on the fly, please install the Boost libraries via

`sudo apt install libboost-all-dev`.

Conversions from LLA to UTM are incorporated through [GeographicLib]( Install the necessary headers via

`sudo apt install libgeographic-dev`


`sudo apt install libgeographiclib-dev`

since Ubunutu 24.04. respectively.

Compatiblity with PCAP captures are incorporated through [pcap libraries]( Install the necessary headers via

`sudo apt install libpcap-dev`.

#### ROS 1 For ROS 1, the package can be built from source using [`catkin_tools`](, where the latter can be installed using the command `sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools` for Melodic or `sudo apt-get install python3-catkin-tools` for Noetic. The typical `catkin_tools` [workflow]( should suffice: ``` source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash # In case you do not use the default shell of Ubuntu, you need to source another script, e.g. mkdir -p ~/septentrio/src # Note: Change accordingly depending on where you want your package to be installed. cd ~/septentrio catkin init # Initialize with a hidden marker file catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo # CMake build types pass compiler-specific flags to your compiler. This type amounts to a release with debug info, while keeping debugging symbols and doing optimization. I.e. for GCC the flags would be -O2, -g and -DNDEBUG. cd src git clone rosdep install . --from-paths -i # Might raise "rosaic: Unsupported OS [mint]" warning, if your OS is Linux Mint, since rosdep does not know Mint (and possible other OSes). In that case, add the "--os=ubuntu:saucy" option to "fool" rosdep into believing it faces some Ubuntu version. The syntax is "--os=OS_NAME:OS_VERSION". catkin build # If catkin cannot find empty, tell catkin to use Python 3 by adding "-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3". echo "source ~/septentrio/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc # It is convenient if the ROS environment variable is automatically added to your bash session every time a new shell is launched. Again, this works for bash shells only. Also note that if you have more than one ROS distribution installed, ~/.bashrc must only source the setup.bash for the version you are currently using. source ~/.bashrc ``` #### ROS 2 For ROS 2, The package has to be built from source using [`colcon`]( ``` source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash # In case you do not use the default shell of Ubuntu, you need to source another script, e.g. mkdir -p ~/septentrio/src # Note: Change accordingly depending on where you want your package to be installed. cd ~/septentrio/src git clone git checkout ros2 # Install mentioned dependencies (`sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-nmea_msgs ros-$ROS_DISTRO-gps-msgs libboost-all-dev libpcap-dev libgeographic-dev`) colcon build --packages-up-to septentrio_gnss_driver # Be sure to call colcon build in the root folder of your workspace. Launch files are installed, so changing them on the fly in the source folder only works with installing by symlinks: add `--symlink-install` echo "source ~/septentrio/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc # It is convenient if the ROS environment variable is automatically added to your bash session every time a new shell is launched. Again, this works for bash shells only. Also note that if you have more than one ROS distribution installed, ~/.bashrc must only source the setup.bash for the version you are currently using. source ~/.bashrc ``` Run tests ``` colcon test --packages-select septentrio_gnss_driver --event-handlers console_direct+ ```

Inertial Navigation System (INS): Basics

ROSaic Parameters

The following is a list of ROSaic parameters found in the config/rover.yaml file. Note, that in the following nested parameters are depicted in ROS 2 style, i.e., using a . as delimiter, whereas in ROS 1 the delimiter is a /.

ROS Topic Publications

A selection of NMEA sentences, the majority being standardized sentences, and proprietary SBF blocks is translated into ROS messages, partly generic and partly custom, and can be published at the discretion of the user into the following ROS topics. All published ROS messages, even custom ones, start with a ROS generic header std_msgs/Header.msg, which includes the receiver time stamp as well as the frame ID, the latter being specified in the ROS parameter frame_id.

Available ROS Topics + `/gpgga`: publishes [`nmea_msgs/Gpgga.msg`]( - converted from the NMEA sentence GGA. + `/gprmc`: publishes [`nmea_msgs/Gprmc.msg`]( - converted from the NMEA sentence RMC. + `/gpgsa`: publishes [`nmea_msgs/Gpgsa.msg`]( - converted from the NMEA sentence GSA. + `/gpgsv`: publishes [`nmea_msgs/Gpgsv.msg`]( - converted from the NMEA sentence GSV. + `/measepoch`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/MeasEpoch.msg`, corresponding to the SBF block `MeasEpoch`. + `/galauthstatus`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/GALAuthStatus.msg`, corresponding to the SBF block `GALAuthStatus`. + `/rfstatus`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/RFStatus.msg`, compiled from the SBF block `RFStatus`. + `/aimplusstatus`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/AIMPlusStatus.msg`, reporting status of AIM+. Converted from SBF blocks `RFStatus` and optionally `GALAuthStatus`. For the latter OSNMA has to be activated. + `/pvtcartesian`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/PVTCartesian.msg`, corresponding to the SBF block `PVTCartesian` (GNSS case) or `INSNavGeod` (INS case). + `/pvtgeodetic`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/PVTGeodetic.msg`, corresponding to the SBF block `PVTGeodetic` (GNSS case) or `INSNavGeod` (INS case). + `/basevectorcart`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/BaseVectorCart.msg`, corresponding to the SBF block `BaseVectorCart`. + `/basevectorgeod`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/BaseVectorGeod.msg`, corresponding to the SBF block `BaseVectorGeod`. + `/poscovcartesian`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/PosCovCartesian.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `PosCovCartesian` (GNSS case) or `INSNavGeod` (INS case). + `/poscovgeodetic`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/PosCovGeodetic.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `PosCovGeodetic` (GNSS case) or `INSNavGeod` (INS case). + `/velcovcartesian`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/VelCovCartesian.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `VelCovCartesian` (GNSS case). + `/velcovgeodetic`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/VelCovGeodetic.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `VelCovGeodetic` (GNSS case). + `/atteuler`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/AttEuler.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `AttEuler`. + `/attcoveuler`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/AttCovEuler.msg`, corresponding to the SBF block `AttCovEuler`. + `/gpst` (for GPS Time): publishes generic ROS message [`sensor_msgs/TimeReference.msg`](, converted from the `PVTGeodetic` (GNSS case) or `INSNavGeod` (INS case) block's GPS time information, stored in its block header. + `/navsatfix`: publishes generic ROS message [`sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.msg`](, converted from the SBF blocks `PVTGeodetic`,`PosCovGeodetic` (GNSS case) or `INSNavGeod` (INS case) + The ROS message [`sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.msg`]( can be fed directly into the [`navsat_transform_node`]( of the ROS navigation stack. + `/gpsfix`: publishes generic ROS message [`gps_msgs/GPSFix.msg`](, which is much more detailed than [`sensor_msgs/NavSatFix.msg`](, converted from the SBF blocks `PVTGeodetic`, `PosCovGeodetic`, `ChannelStatus`, `MeasEpoch`, `AttEuler`, `AttCovEuler`, `VelCovGeodetic`, `DOP` (GNSS case) or `INSNavGeod`, `ChannelStatus`, `MeasEpoch`, `DOP` (INS case). In order to publish heading information, the field *dip* is diverted from its intended meaning an populated with the heading angle and *err_dip* with its uncertainty. + INS case: **Beware**, in order to allow a high update rate, `ChannelStatus`, `MeasEpoch`, and `DOP` are not time aligned, i.e., they might contain outdated information. + `/pose`: publishes generic ROS message [`geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.msg`](, converted from the SBF blocks `PVTGeodetic`, `PosCovGeodetic`, `AttEuler`, `AttCovEuler` (GNSS case) or `INSNavGeod` (INS case). + Note that GNSS provides absolute positioning, while robots are often localized within a local level cartesian frame. The pose field of this ROS message contains position with respect to the absolute ENU frame (longitude, latitude, height), i.e. not a cartesian frame, while the orientation is with respect to a vehicle-fixed (e.g. for mosaic-x5 in moving base mode via the command `setAttitudeOffset`, ...) !local! NED frame or ENU frame if `use_ros_axis_directions` is set `true`. Thus the orientation is !not! given with respect to the same frame as the position is given in. The cross-covariances are hence set to 0. + `/twist`: publishes generic ROS message [`geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped.msg`](, converted from the SBF blocks `PVTGeodetic` and `VelCovGeodetic`. + `/twist_ins`: publishes generic ROS message [`geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovarianceStamped.msg`](, converted from SBF block `INSNavGeod`. + `/insnavcart`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/INSNavCart.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `INSNavCart` + `/insnavgeod`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/INSNavGeod.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `INSNavGeod` + `/extsensormeas`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/ExtSensorMeas.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `ExtSensorMeas`. + `/imusetup`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/IMUSetup.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `IMUSetup`. + `/velsensorsetup`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/VelSensorSetup.msg` corresponding to SBF block `VelSensorSetup`. + `/exteventinsnavcart`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/INSNavCart.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `ExtEventINSNavCart`. + `/exteventinsnavgeod`: publishes custom ROS message `septentrio_gnss_driver/INSNavGeod.msg`, corresponding to SBF block `ExtEventINSNavGeod`. + `/diagnostics`: accepts generic ROS message [`diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray.msg`](, converted from the SBF blocks `QualityInd`, `ReceiverStatus` and `ReceiverSetup` + `/imu`: accepts generic ROS message [`sensor_msgs/Imu.msg`](, converted from the SBF blocks `ExtSensorMeas` and `INSNavGeod`. + The ROS message [`sensor_msgs/Imu.msg`]( can be fed directly into the [`robot_localization`]( of the ROS navigation stack. Note that `use_ros_axis_orientation` should be set to `true` to adhere to the ENU convention. + `/localization`: accepts generic ROS message [`nav_msgs/Odometry.msg`](, converted from the SBF block `INSNavGeod` and transformed to UTM. + The ROS message [`nav_msgs/Odometry.msg`]( can be fed directly into the [`robot_localization`]( of the ROS navigation stack. Note that `use_ros_axis_orientation` should be set to `true` to adhere to the ENU convention. + `/localization_ecef`: accepts generic ROS message [`nav_msgs/Odometry.msg`](, converted from the SBF blocks `INSNavCart` and `INSNavGeod`. + The ROS message [`nav_msgs/Odometry.msg`]( can be fed directly into the [`robot_localization`]( of the ROS navigation stack. Note that `use_ros_axis_orientation` should be set to `true` to adhere to the ENU convention.

Suggestions for Improvements

Some Ideas + Equip ROSaic with an NTRIP client such that it can forward corrections to the receiver independently of `Data Link`.

Adding New SBF Blocks or NMEA Sentences

Steps to Follow Is there an SBF or NMEA message that is not being addressed while being important to your application? If yes, follow these steps: 1. Find the log reference of interest in the publicly accessible, official documentation. Hence select the reference guide file, e.g. for mosaic-x5 in the [product support section for mosaic-X5](, Chapter 4, of Septentrio's homepage. 2. SBF: Add a new `.msg` file to the `../msg` folder. And modify the `../CMakeLists.txt` file by adding a new entry to the `add_message_files` section. 3. Add msg header and typedef to `typedefs.hpp`. 4. Parsers: - SBF: Add a parser to the `sbf_blocks.hpp` file. - NMEA: Construct two new parsing files such as `gpgga.cpp` to the `../src/septentrio_gnss_driver/parsers/nmea_parsers` folder and one such as `gpgga.hpp` to the `../include/septentrio_gnss_driver/parsers/nmea_parsers` folder. 5. Processing the message/block: - SBF: Extend the `SbfId` enumeration in the `message_handler.hpp` file with a new entry. - SBF: Extend the SBF switch-case in `message_handler.cpp` file with a new case. - NMEA: Extend the `nmeaMap_` in the `message_handler.hpp` file with a new pair. - NMEA: Extend the NMEA switch-case in `message_handler.cpp` file with a new case. 6. Create a new `publish/..` ROSaic parameter in the `../config/rover.yaml` file and create a boolean variable `publish_xxx` in the struct in the `settings.h` file. Parse the parameter in the `rosaic_node.cpp` file. 7. Add SBF block or NMEA to data stream setup in `communication_core.cpp` (function `configureRx()`).