sf-inc / sihywtcamc

So I Heard You Were Talking Crap About Minecraft's Combat
MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link
combat fabric-mod minecraft minecraft-mod


So I Heard You Were Talking Crap About Minecraft's Combat?

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/Ol1Tcf8.png" alt="Requires Fabric API" width="149" height="50" />


This mod aims to improve Minecraft's combat features. Although I added some features from the Java Combat update snapshots, the goal of this mod is not to copy exactly those features, and not all of them. Indeed, it's easier to rewrite Minecraft (as they do), than modifying its behavior with mods. Finally, I also add what I want so there are a few features from me. However, feel free to ask for new features in the comment section =)