shimataro / cazary

jQuery plugin of WYSIWYG editor that aims for fast, lightweight, stylish, customizable, cross-browser, and multi-language.
MIT License
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cross-browser jquery jquery-plugin multi-language rich-text-editor wysiwyg wysiwyg-editor


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jQuery plugin of WYSIWYG editor that aims for fast, lightweight, stylish, customizable, cross-browser, and multi-language.


jQuery version

Supported browsers

Supported Languages

How to use

Traditional method

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

see demo page

CommonJS method


name type description default
mode String initial mode ("rte" or "html") "rte"
style String style of RTE area "body{margin:0px;padding:8px;}p{margin:0px;padding:0px;}"
fontnames Array array of fontname ["Arial", "Arial Black", "Comic Sans MS", "Courier New", "Narrow", "Garamond", "Georgia", "Impact", "Sans Serif", "Serif", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana" ]
colors Array (two-dimensional) color table [
["#ffffff", "#ffcccc", "#ffcc99", "#ffff99", "#ffffcc", "#99ff99", "#99ffff", "#ccffff", "#ccccff", "#ffccff"],
["#cccccc", "#ff6666", "#ff9966", "#ffff66", "#ffff33", "#66ff99", "#33ffff", "#66ffff", "#9999ff", "#ff99ff"],
["#bbbbbb", "#ff0000", "#ff9900", "#ffcc66", "#ffff00", "#33ff33", "#66cccc", "#33ccff", "#6666cc", "#cc66cc"],
["#999999", "#cc0000", "#ff6600", "#ffcc33", "#ffcc00", "#33cc00", "#00cccc", "#3366ff", "#6633ff", "#cc33cc"],
["#666666", "#990000", "#cc6600", "#cc9933", "#999900", "#009900", "#339999", "#3333ff", "#6600cc", "#993399"],
["#333333", "#660000", "#993300", "#996633", "#666600", "#006600", "#336666", "#000099", "#333399", "#663366"],
["#000000", "#330000", "#663300", "#663333", "#333300", "#003300", "#003333", "#000066", "#330099", "#330033"]
commands String or Array pre-defined macro or (array of) space-separated commands (see below) "STANDARD"


pre-defined macros

name is expanded to...
MINIMAL ["bold italic underline strikethrough removeformat"]
"fontname fontsize",
"bold italic underline strikethrough removeformat | forecolor backcolor | superscript subscript",
"fontname fontsize",
"bold italic underline strikethrough removeformat | forecolor backcolor | superscript subscript",
"justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull | indent outdent | insertorderedlist insertunorderedlist",
"inserthorizontalrule insertimage createlink unlink",
"undo redo",

commands (inline styles)

name description
fontname set font name
fontsize set font size
bold set style to bold
italic set style to italic
underline set style to underline
strikethrough set style to strikethrough
removeformat remove all format
forecolor set foreground color
backcolor set background color
superscript set style to superscript
subscript set style to subscript

commands (block styles)

name description
justifyleft align current block to left
justifycenter align current block to center
justifyright align current block to right
justifyfull justify current block
indent indent current block
outdent un-indent current block
insertorderedlist set current block to ordered list
insertunorderedlist set current block to un-ordered list

commands (insertion / creation)

name description
inserthorizontalrule insert horizontal rule to current position
insertimage insert image to current position current position
createlink create link to selected text
unlink remove link of selected text

commands (editing)

name description
undo undo command
redo undo the undone command
source toggle HTML/RTE mode

Project page

Documents for developers

Release note


I'm looking for human resources. Please contact me in my GitHub page!
