sipeed / libmaix

New MaixCDK will replace this repo:
MIT License
67 stars 27 forks source link
ai aiot c edge-ai maix maixpy maixpy3 r329 v831 v833



A library for embeded AI model inference with hardware acceleration,let's build a better AIOT together~

Now support platform:


Current only test pass on Ubuntu18.04 and Ubuntu20.04

apt install build-essential cmake python3 sshpass git
cmake --version

The cmake version should be at least v3.9, if not, please install latest cmake manually from cmake website

Download toolchain first:

Arch toolchain prefix
v83x toolchain-sunxi-musl-pack-2021-01-09.tar.xz or
r329 linaro aarch64-linux-gnu aarch64-linux-gnu-

Unzip to /opt/ directory

tar -Jxvf toolchain-sunxi-musl-pack-2021-01-09.tar.xz -C /opt

Then you can see toolchain-sunxi-musl folder under /opt directory by command ls /opt

git clone --recursive

Note that the --recursive parameter is used here, because sub-modules are used in the project. The advantage of sub-modules is that each project is managed separately. For example, Kconfiglib is used as a sub-module to provide menuconfig with interface function configuration.

If you did't update submodule, the compile will error!!!!

If you forget to add this parameter when cloning, you can also use the following command to update the submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive

In addition, when the remote repository is updated, the user also needs to use the following command to update the code (ie update the submodule code at the same time):

git pull --recursive


git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd libmaix
cd examples/hello-world

Every time change toolchain, you MUST call distclean to clean all temporary files:

python3 distclean

Then config toolchain info according to your CPU architecture

python3 --toolchain /opt//opt/toolchain-sunxi-musl/toolchain/bin --toolchain-prefix arm-openwrt-linux-muslgnueabi- config

or only set prefix python3 --toolchain /usr/bin/ --toolchain-prefix x86_64-linux-gnu- config

Finally config component configurations

python3 menuconfig

You can select the module you want here, and config target info like IP or user info for upload bin files etc.

menuconfig menuconfig

For first time compile, you can just use the default configuration.

Then push q key to exit, and select yes to save configuration.

python3 build

Then you can see the bin file hello-world in dist directory

You can manually copy dist folder to your target file system, e.g. use scp or adb.

adb push ./dist/ /root/ && adb shell "cd /root/dist/ && ./"

You can also config target info in the menuconfig, and upload by:

python3 upload

This uses sshpass + scp for transmission, But sshpass will not let the user enter the password when it encounters the ssh key for identification, but will directly exit without reporting an error. You can execute sudo sh -c "echo StrictHostKeyChecking no >>/etc/ssh/ssh_config" on the computer to close the check, Or if you don’t fill in the password in menuconfig, you won’t use sshpass, or you can manually copy it once with scp

Or you can just assign target info in command arg:

python3 upload --target root@ --passwd 123

Clean temp build files:

python3 clean

Clean all build and result, and this will clean all configuration configed by python3 menuconfig:

python3 distclean

Bin files in the dist directory contains some library like *.a or *.so, copy all of then, then execute ./

Create your own project

There's two way to create project

Way 1. Create project in libmaix SDK

Way 2. Create project in anywhere of the filesystem

Add source files

More compile framwork usage see c_cpp_project_framework
