spacemeshos / cosmic

🌱🌌 Seed for a universal (native iOS, native Android, web, desktop) app based on react native web, redux and Typescript
MIT License
32 stars 10 forks source link
electron react-native react-native-web react-redux seed starter-kit typescript universal-react

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Cosmic Apps Seed 🌱🌌

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Overview and Motivation

Universal apps are apps which can run on mobile native or on the web inside a web browser. A Cosmic app is a mobile / web / desktop app - an app which can run in a web browser, on the desktop across all major desktop platforms and on mobile native on iOS and Android. A cosmic app shares all non presentation code between all platforms and ideally only has platform-specific presentation code for few platform-optimized features. e.g. use FaceId for user authentication when running on iPhone X. But the core idea that 90%+ of presentation code - the UI and layout is shared between all supported runtime platform.

A demo Cosmic App

Isn't this lovely?

This project aims to be a well designed and maintained seed for a cosmic (native mobile, web, desktop) app based on react native web, redux and typescript.

Team Spacemesh is building a cosmic Spacemesh App as the first client for go-spacemesh. Team Spacemesh decided to support Cosmic with funded github issues and contribute the seed to the community under the permissive MIT license. Spacemesh will use Cosmic as the foundation for its cosmic wallet app.

Why Cosmic?

Because universal is taken and Cosmic means universal, as of the cosmos :-)

What is this good for?

Tl;dr - the world should have a well-maintained seed for cosmic apps.

There are several similar seeds out there, but none with the project scope and goals we have in mind and none seem to be well maintained and updated.

Having a well designed and maintained seed for cosmic apps is useful for many kinds of applications across many verticals and can drastically reduce boilerplate code and encourages reuse of software components across different kind of packaging and execution environments.

Project Goals

We aim to provide a generic starter seed for building a modern, universal app with the following properties:

We hope that using the seed developers will be able to be more productive in building cosmic apps as they can focus on their app logic and work using established patterns instead of having to write lots of boilerplate infrastructure code to support each runtime execution environment.

Architectural Directions

tl'dr - Yes, we are opinionated, very opinionated. We'd like to establish baselines patterns and libraries for cosmic apps. The following diagram outlines the concept:


  1. Clone the repo

git clone

  1. Follow these instructions for setting up a React Native project dev environment

Android Dev Notes

  1. Follow the React Native instructions for installing Android dev tools

  2. Make sure you have JAVA_HOME env var set to the Java 8 JDK as well as your ANDROID_HOME

e.g: export JAVA_HOME=<path-to-your-jdk>/<jdk>/Contents/Home
export ANDROID_HOME=<path-to-your-android-sdk>
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools
  1. Run the emulator with an Android 6 (with Google Play) device

  2. Update build-scripts/ with the right path to your android sdk. Detailed instructions.

Install project dependencies

yarn install

Development builds


yarn web


Remove all build directories (optional):

yarn clean-all

Generate android and ios builds:

yarn mobile

Serve App on Android Emulator:

yarn android

Serve App on iOS Simulator:

yarn ios

Start and Electron dev app session:

yarn electron-dev

Production builds


yarn mobile


yarn build


yarn dist

Bundling for Android

yarn bundle-android

Building for OS X, Windows and Linux

yarn electron-pack


This seed uses Jest for unit testing and calabash-android for android automation testing.

Running Calabash Android Tests

  1. Install ruby
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Run bundle exec calabash-android run /path/to/android/apk/file

Running unit tests

yarn test

Known issues

  1. The name react-native was looked up in the Haste module map. Remove the haste-map- files from your tmp file and rebuild. For Linux rm -rf /tmp/haste-map-* For OSX
    yarn cache clean
    watchman watch-del-all
    rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-bundler-cache-*
    rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-cache-*
    rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-native-packager-cache-*
    rm -rf $TMPDIR/haste-map-metro-*


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