spatstat / spatstat.explore

Sub-package of spatstat providing functions for exploratory and nonparametric data analysis
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cluster-detection confidence-intervals hypothesis-testing k-function roc-curves scan-statistics significance-testing simulation-envelopes spatial-analysis spatial-data-analysis spatial-sharpening spatial-smoothing spatial-statistics


Exploratory/nonparametric data analysis for the spatstat family

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The original spatstat package has been split into several sub-packages (See spatstat/spatstat)

This package spatstat.explore is one of the sub-packages. It contains the main user-level functions that perform exploratory and nonparametric statistical analysis of spatial data, with the exception of data on linear networks.

Most of the functionality is for spatial point patterns in two dimensions. There is a very modest amount of functionality for 3D and higher dimensional patterns and space-time patterns.


spatstat.explore supports

Detailed contents

For a full list of functions, see the help file for spatstat.explore-package.

Exploratory analysis

Nonparametric estimation of trend

Nonparametric estimation of dependence between points

Formal inference

Data manipulation