stargately / blockroma

a open-source blockchain explorer built with typescript for Ethereum web3 compatible blockchains
31 stars 19 forks source link
blockchain blockchain-explorer blockchain-indexer blockchain-interface explorer graphql i18n koa react typescript




Getting Started

Blockroma is a blockchain explorer for Ethereum web3 compatible blockchains. It is built with the modern web stack - TypeScript, KOA, React, SASS, Apollo GraphQL, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL. It is open-sourced under GPL license.


The project is still in development with an unstable version 0.1.0. As a result, there might be breaking changes before 1.0.0.

Feature List

Download the project

git clone

Run the project

This is intended for *nix users. If you use Windows, go to Run on Windows. Let's first prepare the environment.

cd blockroma/v1

npm install

# prepare environment variable
cp ./.env.tmpl ./.env

Development mode

To run your project in development mode, run:

npm run watch

The development site will be available at http://localhost:4134.

Production Mode

It's sometimes useful to run a project in production mode, for example, to check bundle size or to debug a production-only issue. To run your project in production mode locally, run:

npm run build-production
NODE_ENV=production npm run start

NPM scripts


Special thanks to the blockscout project. We are not fans of Elixir but we used its JS and style files, and thus comply with its GPL license.

Star and Fork the Project

If you like the project or want to support its future development, please give it a star ⭐️ and fork it!