stomt / stomt-unity-sdk

Collect feedback in-game with STOMT for Unity3D.!/content/64669
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feedback feedback-collection feedback-loop feedback-systems mass-relationship-management stomt unity unity-asset unity-sdk unity3d widget

Collect Feedback In-Game | STOMT-SDK for Unity 3D

Implementation Time: ~20 Minutes (incl. Triggers)

STOMT Unity Feedback Integration

We have created a custom feedback solution at, which easily allows you to collect feedback from your users. This Unity plug-in allows you to integrate our solution in your app or game. You can download and install or download from the Unity Asset Store. Our web platform helps you to manage all incoming feedback and build a community uppon it.

Examples / Use-Cases / Demo

Example Games that use our integrations:


  1. Download this repository and or get it from the AssetStore and copy the assets into your project.

  2. Add the StomtPopup prefab to your main UI canvas.


  1. Create a page for your game on

  2. Create an App Id for Unity.

  3. Enter all necessary data into the StomtAPI component on the prefab.

Configure STOMT Unity plugin

  1. Finished!

Scaling: You can scale the widget by using the StomtPopup's Rect Transform Scale property in the inspector.

Optional Configuration

Stomt API (Script)

Property Type Description
App Id (required) String The App Id of your game on STOMT
Language File File A JSON-File containing the translations (Learn more).
Default Language String Show the UI in this language if the users language is not available.
Force Default Language Bool Show every user the UI in the Default Language.
Send Default Labels Bool Automatically attach platform and resolution to stomts.
Debug Mode Bool Only used in development to access all layers.
Labels List Enter Labels that will be attached to every stomt (See also Section "In-Game Labeling").

Stomt Popup (Script)

Property Type Description
Toggle Key Key Keyboard Key to toggle the creation form.
Display Game Name String Force to show this name instead of loading it from the server.
Profile Image Texture Texture Force to use this image instead of loading it from the server.
Upload Log File Bool Upload the log file with every stomt.
Prefetch Target Bool Load the target (name, image, stats) from the server when initializing StomtApi.
Show Close Button Bool Show the close button in the top right of the widget.
Show Default Text Bool Enter "would" / "because" (or the translation) in the textarea, so users understand that they have to finish the sentence.
Show Widget On Start Bool Automatically show the widget on startup.

Form Triggers

The widget can be opened and closed whenever you want by using our trigger functions.

That allows you to:

StomtPopup Class

In-Game Labeling

Labels will help you track down user issues. Append labels, as for example your game-version or the player position/level. You can either hardcode them in the Unity Inspector or use a script to add them in a flexible way based on the information you have.

If you want different labels for every stomt then you have to clear the label array and set new labels.


Hardcoded via Unity Inspector:


Flexible via Script:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Stomt;

public class StomtLabelExample : MonoBehaviour 
    private StomtAPI StomtAPI;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () 
        // Find StomtPopup
        StomtAPI = GameObject.Find("StomtPopup").GetComponent<StomtAPI>();

        // Add your labels
        StomtAPI.Labels = new string[] { "label1", "label2" };

Append Additional Data

If you need more data but you do not want to flood the labels, you can add additional data to a stomt by adding custom key value pairs.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Stomt;

public class StomtAdditionalDataExample : MonoBehaviour 
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () 
        StomtAPI api = GameObject.Find("StomtPopup").GetComponent<StomtAPI>();

        api.AddCustomKeyValuePair("CustomKey", "Value/Data");

Event Callbacks

The STOMT Widget supports a variety of callback events.

This shows how you can access them.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Stomt;

public class StomtEventCallbackExample : MonoBehaviour 
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () 
        StomtPopup.OnStomtSend += YourFunction;
        StomtPopup.OnWidgetClosed += YourFunction;
        StomtPopup.OnWidgetOpen += YourFunction;

    // Your Function
    void YourFunction()
        // React


The UI of the SDK supports multiple languages. At the moment we provide support for English and German (but you can add more languages). We automatically search for translations for the users Application.SystemLanguage. If you use another way to let the user configure his language you can pass this language to the STOMT SDK as well. Please pass the ISO 639-1 Code of the language to StomtAPI.SetUserLanguage.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Stomt;

public class StomtLanguageExample : MonoBehaviour
    private StomtAPI StomtAPI;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        StomtAPI = GameObject.Find("StomtPopup").GetComponent<StomtAPI>();


Extend the Translations

To extend the translation simply add your languages in the Language/languages.json file. Use the ISO 639-1 Code of the language as new key and copy the translations object from one of the other languages as value. Then replace the strings with your translated ones. You should review the translations in the UI to ensure that everything fits in the available space.

If you have added a languages, please share them with us.

Common Issues


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


We would love to see you contributing to this project. Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Visit the project on STOMT to support with your ideas, wishes and feedback.


Daniel Schukies | Follow Daniel Schukies on STOMT

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

More about STOMT

Regularly communicate your page on social channels and checkout our Website-Widget for your websites to collect feedback from anywhere.