sylvaticus / StrategicGames.jl

A set of functions in pure Julia for Game Theory
MIT License
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game-theory julia nash-equilibrium


A set of functions in pure Julia for analysing strategic generic N-players games using concepts and tools of Game Theory.

While written in Julia, the library is easily accessible directly in Python or R using the PyJulia and JuliaCall packages respectively (Python and R examples).

Check out the companion repository GameTheoryNotes for introductory notes on the Game Theory approach and the documentation at the links below for further information on the package and how to use it.

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Basic example

Other examples are available in the Examples section of the documentation.

julia> # Prisoner's dilemma (N players are also supported in all functions)
       payoff = [(-1,-1) (-3,  0);
                 ( 0,-3) (-2, -2)];
julia> # From N-dimensional array of tuples to N+1 arrays of scalars    
       payoff_array = expand_dimensions(payoff);
julia> # Find all the dominated strategies for the two players
2-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
julia> # Compute one Nash Equilibrium of the Game using complementarity formulation
       eq = nash_cp(payoff_array).equilibrium_strategies
2-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
 [0.0, 0.9999999887780999]
 [0.0, 0.9999999887780999]
julia> # Compute all isolated Nash equilibria using support enumeration
       eqs = nash_se(payoff_array,max_samples=Inf)
1-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:equilibrium_strategies, :expected_payoffs, :supports), Tuple{Vector{Vector{Float64}}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Vector{Int64}}}}}:
 (equilibrium_strategies = [[0.0, 0.9999999999999999], [0.0, 0.9999999999999999]], expected_payoffs = [-1.9999999999999678, -1.9999999999999678], supports = [[2], [2]])
julia> # Best response for player 2
2-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> # Expected payoffs given a specific strategy profile
2-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> # Is this strategy profile a Nash equilibrium ?

Other game-theory libraries & benchmarks




The following benchmarks have been run on a Intel Core 5 laptop on StrategicGames v0.0.5. See benchmarks/benchmarks_other_libraries.jl for details.

 Row │ benchmark_name   library         method                    time             memory           alloc    neqs   notes              
     │ String           String          String                    Float64          Float64?         Int64?   Int64  String             
   1 │ Test             rand            rand(2,2)                     59.4469           96.0              1      1
   2 │ small_3x2        StrategicGames  nash_cp                        1.58605e7    306112.0           6002      1
   3 │ small_3x2        StrategicGames  nash_se                        2.42753e6    348928.0           8022      3
   4 │ small_3x2        GameTheory      hc_solve                       1.54957e7         2.90228e6    38420      3
   5 │ small_3x2        GameTheory      support_enumeration            1.26744e5      6848.0            103      3
   6 │ small_3x2        GameTheory      lrsnash                    81660.0           25208.0           1064      3
   7 │ small_3x2        nashpy          vertex_enumeration             2.24663e7   missing          missing      3
   8 │ small_3x2        nashpy          lemke_howson_enumeration       1.70237e6   missing          missing      5  repeated results
   9 │ small_3x2        nashpy          support_enumeration            2.88622e6   missing          missing      3
  10 │ small_3x2        pygambit        lcp_solve                 626370.0         missing          missing      3
  11 │ small_3x2        pygambit        ExternalEnumPolySolver         3.04543e6   missing          missing      3
  12 │ rand_6x7         StrategicGames  nash_cp                        6.79384e7    832992.0          16774      0
  13 │ rand_6x7         StrategicGames  nash_se                        5.81445e7         8.39402e7  1489215      1
  14 │ rand_6x7         GameTheory      hc_solve                       2.29249e10        2.13365e8  5674406      1
  15 │ rand_6x7         GameTheory      support_enumeration            1.07393e6    255888.0           3223      1
  16 │ rand_6x7         GameTheory      lrsnash                        1.22114e6    189432.0          11058      1
  17 │ rand_6x7         nashpy          vertex_enumeration             4.69925e8   missing          missing      1
  18 │ rand_6x7         nashpy          lemke_howson_enumeration       1.12535e7   missing          missing     13  repeated results
  19 │ rand_6x7         nashpy          support_enumeration            1.14592e9   missing          missing      0
  20 │ rand_6x7         pygambit        lcp_solve                      9.02179e6   missing          missing      1
  21 │ rand_6x7         pygambit        ExternalEnumPolySolver         5.88408e11  missing          missing      1
  22 │ rand_dec_6x5     StrategicGames  nash_cp                        2.62495e7    666384.0          12585      1
  23 │ rand_dec_6x5     StrategicGames  nash_se                        1.91476e7         1.63948e7   301926      3
  24 │ rand_dec_6x5     StrategicGames  nash_se                        2.10698e7         1.63948e7   301928      3
  25 │ rand_dec_6x5     GameTheory      hc_solve                       2.81279e9         1.31916e7   129193      3
  26 │ rand_dec_6x5     GameTheory      support_enumeration            3.6849e5      82976.0           1112      3
  27 │ rand_dec_6x5     GameTheory      lrsnash                        1.18709e6    194672.0           9179      3
  28 │ rand_dec_6x5     nashpy          vertex_enumeration             1.22334e8   missing          missing      3
  29 │ rand_dec_6x5     nashpy          lemke_howson_enumeration       5.08469e6   missing          missing     11  repeated results
  30 │ rand_dec_6x5     nashpy          support_enumeration            2.52825e8   missing          missing      3
  31 │ rand_4x4x2       StrategicGames  nash_cp                        7.2921e8          2.99718e6    85361      0
  32 │ rand_4x4x2       StrategicGames  nash_se                        3.10279e9         7.36352e7  1353042      7  1 eq repeated
  33 │ rand_4x4x2       GameTheory      hc_solve                       6.81009e9         1.87611e7   168777      4  2 eq missing
  34 │ rand_4x4x2       pygambit        ExternalEnumPolySolver         6.67698e8   missing          missing      5  1 eq missed
  35 │ rand_6x7_1st_eq  StrategicGames  nash_se                        7.89602e6         3.82298e6    69988      1
  36 │ rand_6x7_1st_eq  GameTheory      hc_solve                       1.17059e10        1.06781e8  2643505      1
  37 │ rand_6x7_1st_eq  nashpy          vertex_enumeration             2.20641e8   missing          missing      1
  38 │ rand_6x7_1st_eq  nashpy          lemke_howson_enumeration       8.8455e5    missing          missing      1
  39 │ rand_6x7_1st_eq  nashpy          support_enumeration         3977.38        missing          missing      0  no eq reported
  40 │ degenerated_3x2  StrategicGames  nash_cp                        1.74314e7    315424.0           6320      1
  41 │ degenerated_3x2  StrategicGames  nash_se                        2.39501e6    430528.0           9999      3
  42 │ degenerated_3x2  GameTheory      hc_solve                       1.58658e7         2.91026e6    38445      1
  43 │ degenerated_3x2  GameTheory      support_enumeration       128884.0            6544.0             98      2
  44 │ degenerated_3x2  GameTheory      lrsnash                    79857.5           23688.0           1002      3
  45 │ degenerated_3x2  nashpy          vertex_enumeration             1.8437e7    missing          missing      3
  46 │ degenerated_3x2  nashpy          lemke_howson_enumeration       1.75092e6   missing          missing      5  2 repeated results
  47 │ degenerated_3x2  nashpy          support_enumeration            3.03576e6   missing          missing      2
  48 │ degenerated_3x2  pygambit        lcp_solve                 672832.0         missing          missing      3
  49 │ degenerated_3x2  pygambit        ExternalEnumPolySolver         3.39349e6   missing          missing      2


The development of this package at the Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA, Nancy) was supported by the French National Research Agency through the Laboratory of Excellence ARBRE, a part of the “Investissements d'Avenir” Program (ANR 11 – LABX-0002-01).
