tajmone / highlight

Source code to formatted text converter
GNU General Public License v3.0
45 stars 4 forks source link
cli gui html latex library linux macos portable rtf syntax-highlighting tex windows xml

= HIGHLIGHT MANUAL André Simon v3.58, August 2020 :lang: en :toc: left :toc-title: Contents :toclevels: 4 :sectnums: :sectnumlevels: 2 :sectanchors: // Misc Settings: :experimental: true :icons: font :linkattrs: true

// ===================================== // Custom Attributes for Reference Links // ===================================== // Highlight Docs (asciidoc): :README_DE: pass:q[link:README_DE.adoc[README_DE]] :README_LANGLIST: pass:q[link:README_LANGLIST.adoc[README_LANGLIST]] :README_PLUGINS: pass:q[link:README_PLUGINS.adoc[README_PLUGINS]] :README_REGEX: pass:q[link:README_REGEX.adoc[README_REGEX]] :README_TESTCASES: pass:q[link:README_TESTCASES.adoc[README_TESTCASES]] // Highlight Docs (uncovenrted): :INSTALL: pass:q[link:INSTALL[INSTALL]] // Source files: :cpp_qt_lua: pass:q[link:plugins/cpp_qt.lua[cpp_qt.lua^]] :filetypes_conf: pass:q[link:filetypes.conf[filetypes.conf^]] :fileopenfilter_conf: pass:q[link:gui_files/ext/fileopenfilter.conf[gui_files/ext/fileopenfilter.conf^]] :makefile: pass:q[link:makefile[makefile^]] // Folders: :langDefs: pass:q[link:langDefs/[langDefs/^]] :themes: pass:q[link:themes/[themes/^]] :themes_base16: pass:q[link:themes/base16/[themes/base16/^]] // Extras Folder: :extras: pass:q[link:extras/[extras/]] :extras_swig: pass:q[link:extras/swig/[extras/swig/]] :README_SWIG: pass:q[link:extras/swig/README_SWIG[README_SWIG]] :extras_pandoc: pass:q[link:extras/pandoc/[extras/pandoc/]] :README_pandoc: pass:q[link:extras/pandoc/README.html[README.html]] :extras_tcl: pass:q[link:extras/tcl/[extras/tcl/]] :README_TCL: pass:q[link:extras/tcl/README_TCL[README_TCL]] :extras_web_plugins: pass:q[link:extras/web_plugins/[extras/web_plugins/]] // External Links: :source-highlight: pass:[http://www.gnu.org/software/src-highlite/[source-highlight^]] :andre-simon_de: pass:[http://www.andre-simon.de[www.andre-simon.de^]]

OSI Certified Open Source Software

Deutsche Anleitung: {README_DE}


Highlight converts sourcecode to HTML, XHTML, RTF, ODT, LaTeX, TeX, SVG, BBCode, Pango markup and terminal escape sequences with coloured syntax highlighting. Syntax definitions and colour themes are customizable.


Highlight was designed to offer a flexible but easy to use syntax highlighter for several output formats. No syntax or colouring information is hardcoded, instead all relevant data is stored in configuration scripts. These Lua scripts may be altered and enhanced with plug-ins.



Please see {README_LANGLIST} for the current set of supported languages. To get a list and associated file extensions you may also run:

.............................. highlight --list-scripts=langs ..............................



The following examples show how to produce a highlighted C++ file, using main.cpp as input file:

Generate HTML:: + ................................................. highlight -i main.cpp -o main.cpp.html highlight < main.cpp > main.cpp.html --syntax cpp highlight < source.tmp > main.cpp.html --syntax-by-name main.cpp ................................................. + You will find the HTML file and highlight.css in the working directory. If you use IO redirection (2nd example), you must define the programming language with --syntax or --syntax-by-name.

Generate HTML with embedded CSS definitions and line numbers:: + ..................................................................... highlight -i main.cpp -o main.cpp.html --include-style --line-numbers .....................................................................

Generate HTML with inline CSS definitions:: + ................................................... highlight -i main.cpp -o main.cpp.html --inline-css ...................................................

Generate LaTeX using "horstmann" source formatting style and "neon" colour theme:: + ................................................................................ highlight -O latex -i main.cpp -o main.cpp.tex --reformat horstmann --style neon ................................................................................ + The following output formats may be defined with --out-format: + [horizontal] html ::: HTML5 (default) xhtml ::: XHTML 1.1 tex ::: Plain TeX latex ::: LaTeX rtf ::: RTF odt ::: OpenDocument Text (Flat XML) svg ::: SVG bbcode ::: BBCode pango ::: Pango markup ansi ::: Terminal 16 color escape codes xterm256 ::: Terminal 256 color escape codes truecolor ::: Terminal 16m color escape codes

Customize font settings:: + .......................................................................... highlight --syntax ada --font-size 12 --font "'Courier New',monospace" highlight --syntax ada --out-format=latex --font-size tiny --font sffamily ..........................................................................

Define an output directory:: + ....................................... highlight -d some/target/dir/ .cpp .h .......................................

See highlight --help or man highlight for more details.


The command line version of highlight offers the following options:

................................................................................ USAGE: highlight [OPTIONS]... [FILES]...

General options:

-B, --batch-recursive= convert all matching files, searches subdirs (Example: -B '*.cpp') -D, --data-dir= set path to data directory --config-file= set path to a lang or theme file -d, --outdir= name of output directory -h, --help[=topic] print this help or a topic description

= [syntax, theme, plugin, config, test] -i, --input= name of single input file -o, --output= name of single output file -P, --progress print progress bar in batch mode -q, --quiet suppress progress info in batch mode -S, --syntax= specify type of source code or syntax file path --syntax-by-name= specify type of source code by given name will not read a file of this name, useful for stdin -v, --verbose print debug info --force[=syntax] generate output if input syntax is unknown --list-scripts= list installed scripts = [langs, themes, plugins] --list-cat= filter the scripts by the given categories (example: --list-cat='source;script') --max-size= set maximum input file size (examples: 512M, 1G; default: 256M) --plug-in= Githubissues.
  • Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.