A PyTorch library that provides major RL algorithms and functionalities for training OpenAI Gym agents.
# Copy source code
!curl -L 'https://github.com/gitHubAndyLee2020/torchgym/archive/refs/heads/main.zip' -o torchgym.zip
!unzip torchgym.zip
!rm torchgym.zip
!mv torchgym-main torchgym
# Install packages for box2d environments
!pip install swig
!pip install gym[box2d]
, where the submodules can be imported for usage.dqn
contains all the functions for training and using DQN model agents.functions
contains all the helper functions.history
directory, each environment is a subdirectory, and each model trained for the environment is the subdirectory of the environment directory.data.json
file under each model directory.
Function Specification
# The default hyperparameters are optimized for the MountainCar-v0 environment.
def dqn_train(
env_name: str, # a valid OpenAI gym environment name from Classical Control or Box-2d
num_episodes: int, # the number of training episodes
episode_length: int, # (default: 10000) the number of steps in each episode, set this to the End of Episode number specified at the OpenAI Gymnasium website
learning_rate: float, # (default: 1e-3) the rate at which the neural network is updated
gamma: float, # (default: 0.995) the discount rate
exploration_rate: float, # (default: 0.1) the probability of the model choosing random action during training
capacity: int, # (default: 8000) the number of experiences stored before starting training the model
batch_size: int, # (default: 256) the batch size of the training data
net_layers: int[], # (default: [100]) the specification of the hidden neural network shape for the Actor Network
optimizer_label: str, # (default: 'Adam') the name of the optimizer used, doesn't affect the training
optimizer_callback: None | callback, # (default: None) more on this below
loss_func_label: str, # (default: 'MSELoss') the name of the loss function used, doesn't affect the training
loss_func_callback: None | callback, # more on this below
model_label: None | str, # (default: None) the name of the model, doesn't affect the training
saved_model_id: None | str, # (default: None) more on this later
callbacks: str[], # (default: []) if 'record', 'plot', or 'save_on_max_reward' are included, these callbacks are called during training; 'record' creates a video of the model, 'plot' creates a plot of loss/num steps/reward, and 'save_on_max_reward' saves the model weight at the point of maximum reward during training
Training Example
from torchgym.dqn.train import dqn_train
model_id = dqn_train(env_name='MountainCar-v0', num_episodes=1000, episode_length=200, model_label='model1', callbacks=['record', 'plot', 'save_on_max_reward'])
> Evaluating
- Evaluate the model's performance.
from torchgym.dqn.eval import dqn_eval
if model_id is not None:
dqn_eval(env_name='MountainCar-v0', saved_model_id=model_id) # swap out the env_name to the correct environment that the model was trained on
- Record the model running.
from torchgym.dqn.record import dqn_record
if model_id is not None: dqn_record(env_name='MountainCar-v0', saved_model_id=model_id) # swap out the env_name to the correct environment that the model was trained on
### Optimizer Callback
- You can create custom optimizer functions with callbacks.
> Example
import torch.optim as optim
optimizer_callback = lambda net_parameters, learning_rate: optim.SGD(net_parameters, lr=learning_rate)
model_id = dqn_train(env_name='MountainCar-v0', num_episodes=1000, episode_length=200, model_label='model1', optimizer_label='SGD', optimizer_callback=optimizer_callback, callbacks=['record', 'plot', 'save_on_max_reward'])
import torch.nn as nn
def l1_loss_func_callback(target_v, v, state, action, reward, next_state, normalized_reward): loss_func = nn.L1Loss() return loss_func(target_v, v)
model_id = dqn_train(env_name='MountainCar-v0', num_episodes=1000, episode_length=200, model_label='model1', loss_func_label='l1', loss_func_callback=loss_func_callback, callbacks=['record', 'plot', 'save_on_max_reward'])
### Training Existing Models
- You can continue training existing models from the `history` directory by specifying its model ID, and the new model with extended training will be stored in a new directory inside the `history/<environment_name>` directory (the original model data will not be altered).
> Example
new_model_id = dqn_train(env_name='MountainCar-v0', num_episodes=1000, episode_length=200, model_label='model1', callbacks=['record', 'plot', 'save_on_max_reward'], saved_model_id=model_id)
directory with built-in helper functions.Import Helper Function Module
from torchgym.functions.history import save_history, upload_history
Download to Local Computer
Download to Google Drive
Upload zipped
to Colabupload_history()
for a comprehensive overview of using the library.Note
module is only for environments with discrete action space.