teebarjunk / godot-4.0-tool_button

Ease development with an inspector button that's plumb simple.
MIT License
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button editor gamedev gdscript godot godot-engine godot4 tool

ToolButtonPlugin for Godot 4.0 - v1.4

Editor buttons with one line of code: @tool zero lines of code.

Simply install, and select any node:

For more advanced features, read below.


Getting Started

Advanced Example

To specify buttons that show above the inspector, add a _get_tool_buttons func.


With Strings:

extends Node

func _get_tool_buttons():
    return [boost_score, remove_player]

func boost_score():
    Player.score += 100

func remove_player():

and/or Callables

# WARNING, some stuff won't work: If you get *"Cannot access member without instance"*: https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/56780
extends Node

func _get_tool_buttons():
    return [
        func add_score(): score += 10,
        func reset_health(): health = 0

and/or Dictionarys

extends Node

signal reset()

func _get_tool_buttons(): return [
    {call="boost_score", args=[100], tint=Color.DEEP_SKY_BLUE},
    {call="emit_signal", args=["reset"], text="Reset", tint=Color.TOMATO},
        call=func(): print("My Health: ", health),
        text="Print Health",
        tint=func(): return Color(health * .1, 0.0, 0.0)
        lock=func(): return health == 100

func boost_score(x=10):
    Player.score += x

call is mandatory. Other's are optional.

key desc default
call Method to call. -
args Array of arguments to pass.
(Mouse over button to see args.)
text Button label. -
tint Button color. Color.WHITE
icon Button icon. -
flat Button is flat style. false
hint Hint text for mouse over. -
print Print output of method call? true
align Button alignment. BoxContainer.ALIGNMENT_CENTER
lock Disable button? false
update_filesystem Tells Godot editor to rescan file system. false

Resource Example

For _get_tool_buttons to work on a Resource it needs to be static.

extends Resource
class_name MyResource

static func _get_tool_buttons():
    return ["my_button"]

export(String) var my_name:String = ""

func my_button():


signal my_signal()
signal my_arg_signal(x, y)

func _get_tool_buttons():
    return [
        [my_arg_signal, [true, "okay"]]

Multi button support

You can have multiple buttons on the same line.
They can all be called at once (default), or seperate, based on a toggle.

func _get_tool_buttons():
    return [
        [msg, msg.bind("yes"), msg.bind("no")],

func msg(msg := "Default Message"):
    print("Got: ", msg)

func doit():




