thekavikumar / love-simple-ui

An open-source, light-weighted, tailwindcss supported UI library for developers to make their life easier :)
MIT License
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gssoc npm-package open-source react-component-library react-components reactjs tailwindcss typescript ui ui-components uikit

Love Simple UI

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typescript javascript NodeJS css css StoryBook mdx


🤔 What is Love-Simple-UI

love-simple-ui is an open-source, lightweight, and highly customizable UI library with integrated Tailwind CSS, designed to provide an attractive and efficient user interface for web applications.



📦️ Installation

To install love-simple-ui via npm, follow these steps:


🛠️ Usage

To use love-simple-ui in your project, you must first import the library into your project. To do this, add the following line to the top of your JavaScript file:

import { component } from "love-simple-ui";

Once you've imported the library, you can use any of the components it contains. For example, to use the PrimaryButton component, simply add the following line to your code:

import { Buttton1 } from "love-simple-ui";

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Button1>Hello World!</Button1>


😍 Contributing

Contributions are welcomed! If you'd like to contribute to love-simple-ui, please follow these steps:

git clone <repository Url or ssh>
git checkout -b <branch_name>
git commit -m '<commit_message>'
git push origin love-simple-ui/<location>

Alternatively, you can create a new issue if you find a bug or have a feature request.



Licensed under the MIT License.



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