tiagosiebler / binance

Node.js & JavaScript SDK for Binance REST APIs & WebSockets, with TypeScript & browser support, integration tests, beautification & more.
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Node.js & JavaScript SDK for Binance REST APIs & WebSockets

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[1]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/binance Updated & performant JavaScript & Node.js SDK for the Binance REST APIs and WebSockets: - Extensive integration with Binance REST APIs and WebSockets. - TypeScript support (with type declarations for most API requests & responses). - Supports Binance REST APIs for Binance Spot, Margin, Isolated Margin, USDM & CoinM Futures. - Strongly typed on most requests and responses. - Automated end-to-end tests on most API calls, ensuring no breaking changes are released. - Extremely robust & performant JavaScript/Node.js Binance SDK with significant trading volume in production (livenet). - Actively maintained with a modern, promise-driven interface. - Support for seamless HMAC and RSA authentication for private Binance REST API and WebSocket calls. - Passing a private key as a secret will automatically revert to RSA authentication. - Supports Websockets for Binance Spot, Margin, Isolated Margin, USDM & CoinM Futures. - Event driven messaging. - Smart websocket persistence - Automatically handle silent websocket disconnections through timed heartbeats, including the scheduled 24hr disconnect. - Automatically handle listenKey persistence and expiration/refresh. - Emit `reconnected` event when dropped connection is restored. - Strongly typed on most websocket events, with typeguards available for TypeScript users. - Optional: - Automatic beautification of Websocket events (from one-letter keys to descriptive words, and strings with floats to numbers). - Automatic beautification of REST responses (parsing numbers in strings to numbers). - Heavy automated end-to-end testing with real API calls. - End-to-end testing before any release. - Real API calls in e2e tests. - Proxy support via axios integration. - Active community support & collaboration in telegram: [Node.js Algo Traders](https://t.me/nodetraders). ## Installation `npm install binance --save` ## Examples Refer to the [examples](./examples) folder for implementation demos. ## Issues & Discussion - Issues? Check the [issues tab](https://github.com/tiagosiebler/binance/issues). - Discuss & collaborate with other node devs? Join our [Node.js Algo Traders](https://t.me/nodetraders) engineering community on telegram. - Questions about Binance APIs & WebSockets? Ask in the official [Binance API](https://t.me/binance_api_english) group on telegram. ## Related projects Check out my related JavaScript/TypeScript/Node.js projects: - Try my REST API & WebSocket SDKs: - [Bybit-api Node.js SDK](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bybit-api) - [Okx-api Node.js SDK](https://www.npmjs.com/package/okx-api) - [Binance Node.js SDK](https://www.npmjs.com/package/binance) - [Gateio-api Node.js SDK](https://www.npmjs.com/package/gateio-api) - [Bitget-api Node.js SDK](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bitget-api) - [Kucoin-api Node.js SDK](https://www.npmjs.com/package/kucoin-api) - [Coinbase-api Node.js SDK](https://www.npmjs.com/package/coinbase-api) - [Bitmart-api Node.js SDK](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bitmart-api) - Try my misc utilities: - [OrderBooks Node.js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/orderbooks) - [Crypto Exchange Account State Cache](https://www.npmjs.com/package/accountstate) - Check out my examples: - [awesome-crypto-examples Node.js](https://github.com/tiagosiebler/awesome-crypto-examples) ## Documentation Most methods accept JS objects. These can be populated using parameters specified by Binance's API documentation. - [Binance API Documentation](https://developers.binance.com/docs) - [ Spot ](https://developers.binance.com/docs/binance-spot-api-docs) - [ Derivatives ](https://developers.binance.com/docs/derivatives) - [ Margin ](https://developers.binance.com/docs/margin_trading) - [ Wallet ](https://developers.binance.com/docs/wallet) - [Find all products here](https://developers.binance.com/en) - [REST Endpoint Function List](./docs/endpointFunctionList.md) - [TSDoc Documentation (autogenerated using typedoc)](https://tsdocs.dev/docs/binance) ## Structure This project uses typescript. Resources are stored in 3 key structures: - [src](./src) - the whole connector written in typescript - [lib](./lib) - the javascript version of the project (compiled from typescript). This should not be edited directly, as it will be overwritten with each release. - [dist](./dist) - the packed bundle of the project for use in browser environments. --- # Usage Create API credentials at Binance - [Livenet](https://www.binance.com/en/support/faq/360002502072?ref=IVRLUZJO) ## REST API Clients There are several REST API modules as there are some differences in each API group. 1. `MainClient` for most APIs, including: spot, margin, isolated margin, mining, BLVT, BSwap, Fiat & sub-account management. 2. `USDMClient` for USD-M futures APIs. 3. `CoinMClient` for COIN-M futures APIs. Vanilla Options connectors are not yet available, though contributions are welcome! ### REST Spot/Margin/etc Start by importing the spot client. API credentials are optional, though an error is thrown when attempting any private API calls without credentials. ```javascript const { MainClient } = require('binance'); const API_KEY = 'xxx'; const API_SECRET = 'yyy'; const client = new MainClient({ api_key: API_KEY, api_secret: API_SECRET, }); client .getAccountTradeList({ symbol: 'BTCUSDT' }) .then((result) => { console.log('getAccountTradeList result: ', result); }) .catch((err) => { console.error('getAccountTradeList error: ', err); }); client .getExchangeInfo() .then((result) => { console.log('getExchangeInfo inverse result: ', result); }) .catch((err) => { console.error('getExchangeInfo inverse error: ', err); }); ``` See [spot-client.ts](./src/main-client.ts) for further information. ### REST USD-M Futures Start by importing the usd-m client. API credentials are optional, though an error is thrown when attempting any private API calls without credentials. ```javascript const { USDMClient } = require('binance'); const API_KEY = 'xxx'; const API_SECRET = 'yyy'; const client = new USDMClient({ api_key: API_KEY, api_secret: API_SECRET, }); client .getBalance() .then((result) => { console.log('getBalance result: ', result); }) .catch((err) => { console.error('getBalance error: ', err); }); client .get24hrChangeStatististics() .then((result) => { console.log('get24hrChangeStatististics inverse futures result: ', result); }) .catch((err) => { console.error('get24hrChangeStatististics inverse futures error: ', err); }); ``` See [usdm-client.ts](./src/usdm-client.ts) for further information. ### REST COIN-M Futures Start by importing the coin-m client. API credentials are optional, though an error is thrown when attempting any private API calls without credentials. ```javascript const { CoinMClient } = require('binance'); const API_KEY = 'xxx'; const API_SECRET = 'yyy'; const client = new CoinMClient({ api_key: API_KEY, api_secret: API_SECRET, }); client .getSymbolOrderBookTicker() .then((result) => { console.log('getSymbolOrderBookTicker result: ', result); }) .catch((err) => { console.error('getSymbolOrderBookTicker error: ', err); }); ``` See [coinm-client.ts](./src/coinm-client.ts) for further information. ## WebSockets All websockets are accessible via the shared `WebsocketClient`. As before, API credentials are optional unless the user data stream is required. ```javascript const { WebsocketClient } = require('binance'); const API_KEY = 'xxx'; const API_SECRET = 'yyy'; // optionally override the logger const logger = { ...DefaultLogger, silly: (...params) => {}, }; const wsClient = new WebsocketClient( { api_key: key, api_secret: secret, beautify: true, // Disable ping/pong ws heartbeat mechanism (not recommended) // disableHeartbeat: true }, logger, ); // receive raw events wsClient.on('message', (data) => { console.log('raw message received ', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); }); // notification when a connection is opened wsClient.on('open', (data) => { console.log('connection opened open:', data.wsKey, data.ws.target.url); }); // receive formatted events with beautified keys. Any "known" floats stored in strings as parsed as floats. wsClient.on('formattedMessage', (data) => { console.log('formattedMessage: ', data); }); // read response to command sent via WS stream (e.g LIST_SUBSCRIPTIONS) wsClient.on('reply', (data) => { console.log('log reply: ', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); }); // receive notification when a ws connection is reconnecting automatically wsClient.on('reconnecting', (data) => { console.log('ws automatically reconnecting.... ', data?.wsKey); }); // receive notification that a reconnection completed successfully (e.g use REST to check for missing data) wsClient.on('reconnected', (data) => { console.log('ws has reconnected ', data?.wsKey); }); // Recommended: receive error events (e.g. first reconnection failed) wsClient.on('error', (data) => { console.log('ws saw error ', data?.wsKey); }); // Call methods to subcribe to as many websockets as you want. // Each method spawns a new connection, unless a websocket already exists for that particular request topic. // wsClient.subscribeSpotAggregateTrades(market); // wsClient.subscribeSpotTrades(market); // wsClient.subscribeSpotKline(market, interval); // wsClient.subscribeSpotSymbolMini24hrTicker(market); // wsClient.subscribeSpotAllMini24hrTickers(); // wsClient.subscribeSpotSymbol24hrTicker(market); // wsClient.subscribeSpotAll24hrTickers(); // wsClient.subscribeSpotSymbolBookTicker(market); // wsClient.subscribeSpotAllBookTickers(); // wsClient.subscribeSpotPartialBookDepth(market, 5); // wsClient.subscribeSpotDiffBookDepth(market); wsClient.subscribeSpotUserDataStream(); wsClient.subscribeMarginUserDataStream(); wsClient.subscribeIsolatedMarginUserDataStream('BTCUSDT'); wsClient.subscribeUsdFuturesUserDataStream(); // each method also restores the WebSocket object, which can be interacted with for more control // const ws1 = wsClient.subscribeSpotSymbolBookTicker(market); // const ws2 = wsClient.subscribeSpotAllBookTickers(); // const ws3 = wsClient.subscribeSpotUserDataStream(listenKey); // optionally directly open a connection to a URL. Not recommended for production use. // const ws4 = wsClient.connectToWsUrl(`wss://stream.binance.com:9443/ws/${listenKey}`, 'customDirectWsConnection1'); ``` See [websocket-client.ts](./src/websocket-client.ts) for further information. Also see [ws-userdata.ts](./examples/ws-userdata.ts) for user data examples. --- ## Customise Logging Pass a custom logger which supports the log methods `silly`, `debug`, `notice`, `info`, `warning` and `error`, or override methods from the default logger as desired. ```javascript const { WebsocketClient, DefaultLogger } = require('binance'); // Enable all logging on the silly level DefaultLogger.silly = (...params) => { console.log('sillyLog: ', params); }; const ws = new WebsocketClient( api_key: 'xxx', api_secret: 'yyyy', DefaultLogger ); ``` ## Browser/Frontend Usage ### Import This is the "modern" way, allowing the package to be directly imported into frontend projects with full typescript support. 1. Install these dependencies ```sh npm install crypto-browserify stream-browserify ``` 2. Add this to your `tsconfig.json` ```json { "compilerOptions": { "paths": { "crypto": [ "./node_modules/crypto-browserify" ], "stream": [ "./node_modules/stream-browserify" ] } ``` 3. Declare this in the global context of your application (ex: in polyfills for angular) ```js (window as any).global = window; ``` ### Webpack This is the "old" way of using this package on webpages. This will build a minified js bundle that can be pulled in using a script tag on a website. Build a bundle using webpack: - `npm install` - `npm build` - `npm pack` The bundle can be found in `dist/`. Altough usage should be largely consistent, smaller differences will exist. Documentation is still TODO. However, note that browser usage will lead to CORS errors due to Binance. --- ### Contributions & Thanks Have my projects helped you? Share the love, there are many ways you can show your thanks: - Star & share my projects. - Are my projects useful? Sponsor me on Github and support my effort to maintain & improve them: https://github.com/sponsors/tiagosiebler - Have an interesting project? Get in touch & invite me to it. - Or buy me all the coffee: - ETH(ERC20): `0xA3Bda8BecaB4DCdA539Dc16F9C54a592553Be06C` ### Contributions & Pull Requests Contributions are encouraged, I will review any incoming pull requests. See the issues tab for todo items. ## Star History [![Star History Chart](https://api.star-history.com/svg?repos=tiagosiebler/bybit-api,tiagosiebler/okx-api,tiagosiebler/binance,tiagosiebler/bitget-api,tiagosiebler/bitmart-api,tiagosiebler/gateio-api,tiagosiebler/kucoin-api,tiagosiebler/coinbase-api,tiagosiebler/orderbooks,tiagosiebler/accountstate,tiagosiebler/awesome-crypto-examples&type=Date)](https://star-history.com/#tiagosiebler/bybit-api&tiagosiebler/okx-api&tiagosiebler/binance&tiagosiebler/bitget-api&tiagosiebler/bitmart-api&tiagosiebler/gateio-api&tiagosiebler/kucoin-api&tiagosiebler/coinbase-api&tiagosiebler/orderbooks&tiagosiebler/accountstate&tiagosiebler/awesome-crypto-examples&Date)