tiavina-mika / mui-tiptap-editor

Tiptap editor with Material UI
17 stars 2 forks source link
draftjs material-ui mui quill react rich-text-editor slatejs text-editor tiptap typescript wysiwyg


A customizable and easy to use Tiptap styled WYSIWYG rich text editor, using Material UI.

NPM Version Language Build

Table of Contents

- [mui-tiptap-editor](#mui-tiptap-editor) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Demo](#demo) - [Installation](#installation) - [Get started](#get-started) - [Simple usage](#simple-usage) - [Using mentions](#using-mentions) - [Image upload](#image-upload) - [Read only](#read-only) - [Customization](#customization) - [Toolbar](#toolbar) - [Override labels](#override-labels) - [Styles](#styles) - [Root styles](#root-styles) - [Each element styles](#each-element-styles) - [Props](#props) - [`ImageUploadOptions`](#imageuploadoptions) - [New features](#new-features) - [Contributing](#contributing)




npm install mui-tiptap-editor


yarn add mui-tiptap-editor

Please note that @mui/material (and their @emotion/ peers) are peer dependencies, meaning you should ensure they are installed before installing mui-tiptap-editor.

npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled


yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled

Get started

Simple usage

import { TextEditor, TextEditorReadOnly } from 'mui-tiptap-editor';
import { useState } from "react";

function App() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState<string>("");

  const handleChange = (newValue: string) => setValue(newValue);

  return (
      <TextEditor value={value} onChange={handleChange} />
      {value && <TextEditorReadOnly value={value} />}

Using mentions

import { TextEditor, ITextEditorOption } from 'mui-tiptap-editor';

const mentions: ITextEditorOption[] = [
  { label: "Lea Thompson", value: "id1" },
  { label: "Cyndi Lauper", value: "id2" },
  { label: "Tom Cruise", value: "id3" },

const currentUser: ITextEditorOption = mentions[0];

function App() {
  return (
    <TextEditor mentions={mentions} user={currentUser} userPathname="/profile" />

Image upload

// example of API  upload using fetch
// the return data must be the image url (string) or image attributes (object) like src, alt, id, title, ...
const uploadFile = async (file: File) => {
  const formData = new FormData();
  formData.append("file", file);
  const response = await fetch("https://api.escuelajs.co/api/v1/files/upload", {
    method: "POST",
    body: formData,
  const data = await response.json();
  // or return data.location
  return { id: data.filename, src: data.location };

function App() {
  return (
        uploadFile, // the image is stored and used as base64 string if not specified
        maxSize: 5, // max size to 10MB if not specified
        maxFilesNumber: 2,  // max 5 files if not specified
        allowedMimeTypes: ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/jpg'], // all image types if not specified
        imageMaxWidth: 400, // default to 1920
        imageMaxHeight: 400, // default to 1080

See here for more examples that use TextEditor.

Read only

  1. If using the editor
    import { TextEditorReadOnly } from 'mui-tiptap-editor';

2. If it is just displaying the value without using the editor, you can use this library [`tiptap-parser`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tiptap-parser). Example: The editor is used in the back office, but the content must be displayed on the website
<TiptapParser content="<h1>Hello world</h1>" />



Can display the menus as needed

  <TextEditor toolbar={['bold', 'italic', 'underline']} />

Override labels

      editor: {
        editor: "Editeur",
        preview: "Aperçu"
      toolbar: {
        bold: "Gras",
        upload: "Ajouter une image",
        // ...
      headings: {
        h1: "En-tête 1",
        // ...
      table: {
        table: "Tableau",
        deleteColumn: "Supprimer la colonne",
        // ....
      link: {
        link: "Lien",
        // ...
      youtube: {
        link: "Lien",
        insert: "Insérer la vidéo Youtube",
        title: "Insérer une vidéo Youtube",
      upload: {
        fileTooLarge: "Fichier trop volumineux",
        // ...


Root styles

import './index.css';

  value="<p>Hello word!</p>"
/* ./index.css */
.root {
  background-color: #fff;
.root  .MuiTab-root.Mui-selected {
  background-color: yellow;

Each element styles

  value="<p>Hello word!</p>"
  inputClassName="border border-gray-200"


props type Default value Description
toolbar string[] heading, bold, italic, strike, link, underline, image, code, orderedList, bulletList, align, codeBlock, blockquote, table, history, youtube, color, mention The list of the menu buttons to be displayed
placeholder string empty input placeholder
label string empty input label
error string empty Error message to display
withFloatingMenu boolean false Show or hide the floating menu
withBubbleMenu boolean true Show or hide the bubble menu
inputClassName string empty Override input styles
toolbarClassName string empty Override the toolbar menu styles
tabsClassName string empty Override the tabs (preview, editor) styles
tabClassName string empty Override the tab (preview or editor) styles
errorClassName string empty Override the error message styles
rootClassName string empty Override the main container styles
labelClassName string empty Override the label styles
bubbleMenuToolbar string[] ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'link'] Similar to toolbar props
floatingMenuToolbar string[] ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'link'] Similar to toolbar props
mentions ITextEditorOption[] undefined List of users to be mentioned when entering or selecting @
user ITextEditorOption undefined Current user
value string empty Value of the input
onChange (value: string) => void - Function to call when the input change
userPathname string /user URL pathname for the mentioned user (eg: /user/user_id)
labels ILabels null Override labels, for example using i18n
uploadFileOptions ImageUploadOptions null Override image upload default options like max size, max file number, ...
...all tiptap features EditorOptions empty Can access to all tiptap useEditor props

See here how to use all the TextEditor props.


props type Default value Description
uploadFile function undefined an API call to your server to handle and store the image
maxSize number 10 maximum size of the image in MB
maxFilesNumber number 5 maximum number of files to be uploaded at once
allowedMimeTypes string[] null all image types allowed mime types to be uploaded
imageMaxWidth number 1920 maximum width of the image
imageMaxHeight number 1080 maximum height of the image
maxMediaLegendLength number 100 maximum character length of the image legend

New features

Versions Features
  • Upload image via drop, paste or upload button
  • Add or edit the image alt text and legend
  • Reorder toolbar menus
  • Work with dark mode
  • Customize and override all messages and labels


Get started here.