tinode / typescript-sdk

Tinode typescript and javascript SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Tinode typescript and javascript SDK

This SDK is still under test and it's not released yet. but if you want to use it at this state you can build it yourself for now. this SDK can be used in browser, nodejs and typescript programs and contains needed declarations for each class.


Simply run npm run build. Now you are going to have dist folder containing browser and lib folder.



Import the browser script using the html script tag:

<script src="https://github.com/tinode/typescript-sdk/raw/master/dist/browser/tinode.js"></script>


Import the library using require:

const tinode = require('./dist/lib');

Typescript and typescript based apps like angular

First copy package.json file into dist/lib folder. Then in that folder run npm pack. This will create a package that can be installed using npm or yarn. The created file will be named tinode-sdk-x.y.z.tgz.

Now you can install the package using npm i tinode-sdk-x.y.z.tgz.

To use this package in typescript use import:

import { Tinode } from 'tinode-sdk';

Generate Document

Run this command:

npm run docs