tokio-rs / simulation

Framework for simulating distributed applications
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async deterministic simulation tokio


The Simulation library is being refactored to integrate more directly with Tokio. Currently, Simulation is not compatible with Tokio 0.2.x. As a result, it's recommended that users wait for a future release of Simulation. The issue tracking Tokio integration progress can be found here


The goal of Simulation is to provide a set of low level components which can be used to write applications amenable to FoundationDB style simulation testing.

Simulation is an abstraction over Tokio, allowing application developers to write applications which are generic over sources of nondeterminism. Additionally, Simulation provides deterministic analogues to time, scheduling, network and eventually disk IO.

Scheduling and Time

Simulation provides a mock source of time. Mock time will only advance when the executor has no more work to do. This can be used to force deterministic reordering of task execution.

When time is advanced, it is advanced instantly to a value which allows the executor to make progress. Applications which rely on timeouts can then be tested in a fraction of the time it would normally take to test a particular execution ordering.

This can be used to naturally express ordering between tasks

   use simulation::{Environment};
   fn ordering() {
       let mut runtime = DeterministicRuntime::new().unwrap();
       let handle = runtime.localhost_handle();
       runtime.block_on(async {
           let delay1 = handle.delay_from(Duration::from_secs(10));
           let delay2 = handle.delay_from(Duration::from_secs(30));

           let handle1 = handle.clone();
           let completed_at1 = crate::spawn_with_result(&handle1.clone(), async move {

           let handle2 = handle.clone();
           let completed_at2 = crate::spawn_with_result(&handle2.clone(), async move {
           assert!(completed_at1 < completed_at2)


Simulation includes an in-memory network. Applications can use Environment::bind and Environment::connect to create in-memory connections between components. The in-memory connections will automatically have delays and disconnect faults injected, dependent on an initial seed value.

[DeterministicRuntime] supports both a [DeterministicRuntime::localhost_handle] as well as creating a handle scoped to a particular [std::net:IpAddr] with [DeterministicRuntime::handle].


Faults are injected based on a seedable RNG, causing IO delays and disconnects. This is sufficient to trigger bugs in higher level components, such as message reordering.

By eliminating sources of nondeterminism, and basing fault injection on a seedable RNG, it's possible to run many thousands of tests in the span of a few seconds with different fault injections. This allows testing different execution orderings. If a particular seed causes a failing execution ordering, developers can use the seed value to debug and fix their applications.

Once the error is fixed, the seed value can be used to setup a regression test to ensure that the issue stays fixed.

Fault injection is handled by spawned tasks. Currently there is one fault injector which will inject determinstic latency changes to socket read/write sides based on the initial seed value passed to [DeterministicRuntime::new_with_seed]. Launching the fault injector involves spawning it at startup.


The following example demonstrates a simple client server app which has latency faults injected.

   use simulation::{Environment, TcpListener};
   use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt};
   use std::{io, net, time};
   use tokio::codec::{Framed, LinesCodec};

   /// Start a client request handler which will write greetings to clients.
   async fn handle<E>(env: E, socket: <E::TcpListener as TcpListener>::Stream, addr: net::SocketAddr)
       E: Environment,
       // delay the response, in deterministic mode this will immediately progress time.
       println!("handling connection from {:?}", addr);
       let mut transport = Framed::new(socket, LinesCodec::new());
       if let Err(e) = transport.send(String::from("Hello World!")).await {
           println!("failed to send response: {:?}", e);

   /// Start a server which will bind to the provided addr and repyl to clients.
   async fn server<E>(env: E, addr: net::SocketAddr) -> Result<(), io::Error>
       E: Environment,
       let mut listener = env.bind(addr).await?;

       while let Ok((socket, addr)) = listener.accept().await {
           let request = handle(env.clone(), socket, addr);

   /// Create a client which will read a message from the server
   async fn client<E>(env: E, addr: net::SocketAddr) -> Result<(), io::Error>
       E: Environment,
       loop {
           match env.connect(addr).await {
               Err(_) => {
                   // Sleep if the connection was rejected, retrying later.
                   // In deterministic mode, this will just reorder task execution
                   // without waiting for time to advance.
               Ok(conn) => {
                   let mut transport = Framed::new(conn, LinesCodec::new());
                   let result =;
                   assert_eq!(result, "Hello World!");
                   return Ok(());
   fn test() {
       // Various seed values can be supplied to `DeterministicRuntime::new_with_seed` to find a seed
       // value for which this example terminates incorrectly.
       let mut runtime = simulation::deterministic::DeterministicRuntime::new_with_seed(1).unwrap();
       let handle = runtime.handle();
       runtime.block_on(async {
           let bind_addr: net::SocketAddr = "".parse().unwrap();
           let server = server(handle.clone(), bind_addr);
           handle.spawn(async move {
           client(handle, bind_addr).await.unwrap();

License: MIT