tripplet / vbus-collector

Collects serial data from the Resol BS+ controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 4 forks source link
monitoring resol vbus


Build Status GitHub license

Data visualization is done by vbus-server

The easiest way to use this project if Homeassistant is already used is to install the Addon Hassio VBUS


Docker container

HowTo Build

The RaspberryPi or other linux machine should be running and connected to the internet, ssh sould be available.

Get the necessary packages (raspbian)

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install git build-essential cmake libsqlite3-dev sqlite

Get the necessary packages (archlinux-arm)

$ pacman -Syu
$ pacman -S git base-devel cmake libsqlite3-dev sqlite3

Download the source code

$ mkdir -p /srv/vbus
$ cd /srv/vbus
$ git clone --recurse-submodules collector

Compile the data collector service and the included libraries

$ cd /srv/vbus/collector/paho.mqtt.c
$ cmake --build build --parallel
$ cd "/srv/vbus/collector/cJSON"
$ cmake --build build --parallel
$ cd /srv/vbus/collector
$ make

Setting up system files

Now the udev rule and systemd service file need to be soft linked to the right locations

$ ln -s /srv/vbus/collector/00-resol-vbus-usb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
$ systemctl link /srv/vbus/collector/monitor-vbus.service

Get the connected usb devices, identify the vbus adapter and make sure the 00-resol-vbus-usb.rules file contains the correct vid and pid. For mine it was vid=1fef, and pid=2018, if these are different on your device, change them in the provided 00-resol-vbus-usb.rules file.

$ lsusb
  Bus 001 Device 011: ID 1fef:2018

Now reload the udev rules

$ udevadm control --reload-rules

If the VBUS-USB adapter is connected the file /dev/tty_resol should exist

$ stat /dev/tty_resol
  File: '/dev/tty_resol' -> 'ttyACM0'
  Size: 7    Blocks: 0    IO Block: 4096    symbolic link

Check if the collector is working (stop with Ctrl+C)

$ /srv/vbus/collector/vbus-collector --delay 1 /dev/tty_resol
  System time:13:19, Sensor1 temp:20.7C, Sensor2 temp:21.0C, Sensor3 temp:22.9C, Sensor4 temp:24.0C, Pump speed1:0%, Pump speed2:0%, Hours1:2302, Hours2:2425
  System time:13:19, Sensor1 temp:20.7C, Sensor2 temp:21.0C, Sensor3 temp:22.9C, Sensor4 temp:24.0C, Pump speed1:0%, Pump speed2:0%, Hours1:2302, Hours2:2425
  System time:13:19, Sensor1 temp:20.7C, Sensor2 temp:21.0C, Sensor3 temp:22.9C, Sensor4 temp:24.0C, Pump speed1:0%, Pump speed2:0%, Hours1:2302, Hours2:2425

Start the monitor-vbus service, remove the "--mqtt" parameter form the service file if no mqtt server is a available at localhost:1883

$ systemctl start monitor-vbus

Check wether the service is running properly

$ systemctl status monitor-vbus
  ● monitor-vbus.service - Monitor resol vbus temperatures
     Loaded: loaded (/srv/vbus/collector/monitor-vbus.service; linked; vendor preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Mi 2015-09-02 13:29:23 CEST; 10min ago
   Main PID: 12422 (vbus-collector)
     CGroup: /system.slice/monitor-vbus.service
             └─12422 /srv/vbus/collector/vbus-collector --no-print --delay 60 --db /srv/vbus/collector/data.db /dev/tty_resol

Check that data is being written to the sqlite database

$ sqlite3 /srv/vbus/collector/data.db "SELECT * FROM data ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 4;"
  174837|2015-09-02 11:28:10|10:24|18.8|20.9|22.6|22.9|0|0|2302|2425
  174836|2015-09-02 11:29:07|10:22|18.9|20.9|22.7|22.9|0|0|2302|2425
  174835|2015-09-02 11:30:05|10:21|18.8|20.9|22.6|22.9|0|0|2302|2425
  174834|2015-09-02 11:31:03|10:20|18.9|20.9|22.6|22.9|0|0|2302|2425

Date/Time values in the sqlite database are stored in UTC. To get the correct local time ensure that the timezone on the system is set properly and use:

$ sqlite3 /srv/vbus/collector/data.db "SELECT datetime(time, 'localtime'),* FROM data;"

Options file

vbus-collector can be controlled using cli options for fast testing but the preferred way is to use an options file.

For production the following file could be used.

    "device": "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-1fef_2018-if00",
    "interval": 60,
    "verbose": false,
    "database": "/srv/vbus/collector/data.db",
    "print_stdout": false,
    "mqtt": {
        "enabled": false,
        "base_topic": "heizung",
        "server": "tcp://localhost:1883",
        "client_id": "vbus",
        "user": null,
        "password": null
    "homeassistant": {
        "enabled": false,
        "entity_id_base": "sensor.heating"


$ vbus-collector --config options.json

Homeassistant integration

If Homeassistant is enabled in the options file, vbus-collector will send all sensor updates to the Homeassitant instance using the HTTP REST API.

All sensors are created using the entity_id_base appended with and underscore and the sensor name. For example: sensor.heating_furnace

How to enable:

  1. Enable the homeassistant in the options.json.
  2. Enable the API component in Homeassitant.
  3. Create a long lived access token.
  4. Provide the access token using the environment variable SUPERVISOR_TOKEN.
  5. Provide the Homeassistant URL using the environment variable HOMEASSISTANT_API_URL.
  6. Optionally change the entity_id_base option.

Setting environment variables for the systemd service can be done by creating the /srv/vbus/collector/homeassistant-secrets with the following content:


Optionally if Homeassistant is running on a different system the environment variable HOMEASSISTANT_API_URL can be used to send the sensor values to a different system.

Additionally I created a Homeassistant Addon Hassio VBUS which runs vbus-collector and vbus-server inside a Homeassistant Addon.

The Addon is functional and working but lacks documentation

Have fun