trixi-gpu / TrixiCUDA.jl

GPU acceleration for Trixi.jl
MIT License
44 stars 6 forks source link
acceleration gpu high-performance-computing julia numerical-simulations parallel-programming pde scientific-computing


Build status (Github Actions) License: MIT dev docs

TrixiCUDA.jl is a component package of the Trixi.jl ecosystem and provides GPU acceleration support for solving hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs). This package was initialized through the Google Summer of Code program in 2023 and is under active development and testing.

The acceleration focus of this package is currently on the semidiscretization part (with plans to extend to other parts) of the PDE solvers, and CUDA.jl is our primary support (will expand to more types of GPUs using AMDGPU.jl, OneAPI.jl, and Metal.jl in the future).

The complete documentation for this project (and now is available as a package) can be accessed here GSoC. Please note that this package is intended to be part of the trixi-framework organization in the end. Due to constrained GPU resources and ease of development, it is now under a temporary organization.

Package Installation

The package is now in pre-release status and will be registered once the initial release version is published. We want to make sure most key features are ready and optimizations are done before we roll out the first release.


Users who are interested now can install the package by running the following command in the Julia REPL:

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add(url="")

Then the package can be used with the following simple command:

julia> using TrixiCUDA

This package serves as a support package, so it is recommended to these packages together:

julia> using Trixi, TrixiCUDA, OrdinaryDiffEq


Developers can start their development by first forking and cloning the repository to their terminal.

Then enter the Julia REPL in the package directory, activate and instantiate the environment by running the following command:

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate()

Please note that GPU-related tests are run locally rather than on CI remotely due to constrained resources. Once the repository is ready to be transferred back to the organization, we are going to set up JuliaGPU CI infrastructure to run tests on a system with a GPU using JuliaGPU Buildkite.

Supported Mesh and Solver Types

Our current focus is on the semidiscretization of PDEs. The table below shows the status of this work across different mesh types and solvers. Looking ahead, we plan to extend parallelization to include mesh initialization and callbacks on the GPU.

Mesh Type Spatial Dimension Solver Type Status
TreeMesh 1D, 2D, 3D DGSEM βœ… Supported
StructuredMesh 1D, 2D, 3D DGSEM πŸ› οΈ In Development
UnstructuredMesh 2D DGSEM 🟑 Planned
P4estMesh 2D, 3D DGSEM 🟑 Planned
DGMultiMesh 1D, 2D, 3D DGMulti 🟑 Planned

Example of PDE Semidiscretization on GPU

Let's take a look at a simple example to see how to use TrixiCUDA.jl to run the simulation on the GPU (now only CUDA-compatible).

# Take 1D linear advection equation as an example
using Trixi, TrixiCUDA
using OrdinaryDiffEq

# semidiscretization of the linear advection equation

advection_velocity = 1.0
equations = LinearScalarAdvectionEquation1D(advection_velocity)

solver = DGSEM(polydeg = 3, surface_flux = flux_lax_friedrichs)

coordinates_min = -1.0
coordinates_max = 1.0 

mesh = TreeMesh(coordinates_min, coordinates_max,
                initial_refinement_level = 4,
                n_cells_max = 30_000)

semi = SemidiscretizationHyperbolic(mesh, equations, initial_condition_convergence_test,

# ODE solvers, callbacks etc.

ode = semidiscretizeGPU(semi, (0.0, 1.0)) # from TrixiCUDA.jl

summary_callback = SummaryCallback()

analysis_callback = AnalysisCallback(semi, interval = 100)

save_solution = SaveSolutionCallback(interval = 100,
                                     solution_variables = cons2prim)

stepsize_callback = StepsizeCallback(cfl = 1.6)

callbacks = CallbackSet(summary_callback, analysis_callback, save_solution,

# run the simulation

sol = solve(ode, CarpenterKennedy2N54(williamson_condition = false),
            dt = 1.0, save_everystep = false, callback = callbacks)



Please check benchmark branch and this part will be updated soon.

Show Your Support

We always welcome new contributors to join us in future development. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to get involved!