tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg / image_projection

image_projection is a ROS package to create various projections from multiple calibrated cameras.
MIT License
169 stars 34 forks source link
camera-calibration equirectangular pinhole-camera projection ros



image_projection is a ROS package to create various projections from multiple calibrated cameras. Use cases involve:

Available projection targets are:

Projections can be created periodically or on-demand. All projection parameters including image dimensions and position/direction can be configured dynamically at runtime. All cameras have to be calibrated beforehand.

A demo launch configuration is available below.

Author/Maintainer: Martin Oehler
Affiliation: TU Darmstadt, SIM
License: MIT


Insta 360 Air Low cost 360° camera with two fisheye lenses pointing in opposite directions Source Images Pinhole projection Mercator projection
Boston Dynamics Spot 5 pinhole cameras, 2 at the front, 2 at the sides and 1 at the rear Source Images Pinhole projection Mercator projection


Please cite our paper if you use this software as part of your scientific publication:

  author={Oehler, Martin and von Stryk, Oskar},
  booktitle={2021 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR)}, 
  title={A Flexible Framework for Virtual Omnidirectional Vision to Improve Operator Situation Awareness}, 


If you haven't already installed it, install ROS. Please use Desktop-Full Install to run the demo. Noetic is officially supported, but Melodic and Kinetic should work as well.

Create a new catkin workspace. Skip this step if you use your existing workspace.

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/
catkin init

Go into the source directory of your workspace and check out image_projection

cd src/
git clone https://github.com/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/image_projection.git

Install dependencies via rosdep and wstool (.rosinstall)

cd image_projection
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y
wstool init ../.. # not required if already initialized
wstool merge image_projection_https.rosinstall
wstool update


catkin build image_projection_demo

and source the workspace

source ../../devel/setup.bash

Verify your installation by launching the demo (see below).

Getting started

Launching the demo

Make sure to open a new terminal after building the project for the first time.

Start by downloading the demo bag file with

roscd image_projection_demo/bags/
wget https://www.sim.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~oehler/insta360_air_robocup2018.bag

Launch the demo with

roslaunch image_projection_demo demo_insta360.launch

An rqt window with the source video and projection examples will open. The rqt_reconfigure GUI on the right side can be used to change projection parameters at runtime.

Setting up your own projection

To use image_projection for your robot, you will need to update camera topics, calibration and projection parameters. You can duplicate the launch and configuration files in the demo and adapt them to your robot.

The main launch file is image_projection_demo/launch/projections.launch. It loads the configuration, calibration and starts up the projection nodelets. Cameras are configured in image_projection_demo/config/camera360_cameras.yaml. This setup uses an extended camera calibration from kalibr. Projections are configured in image_projection_demo/config/projections.yaml.

Lastly, make sure that your cameras are properly calibrated. For calibration instructions, refer to the section "Camera calibration" below.

Camera calibration

The following calibration formats are supported:



image_projection projects multiple cameras onto 3D projection surfaces. The shapes of the projection surfaces are parameterized and depend on the chosen projection. A pinhole projection uses a planar projection surfaces, cylindrical projections, e.g. Mercator, use, as the name suggests, a cylindrical surface. The surfaces are generated inside the scene with a pixel grid of the chosen target resolution. Each surface pixel is projected into every camera to retrieve color information. If the projected pixel is valid (inside the image) in more than one camera, the best match is chosen based on a heuristic. Pixels close to the respective image center are preferred.

Initially, a projection map is computed as described above. This step is rather costly and has to be repeated each time parameters are changed. The projection itself is comparatively cheap and implemented as a remap for each camera onto the same target image.

Stitching Seams

Typically, projections with multiple camera sources show stitching seams. These seams are due to the fact, that camera centers to not coincide. With a wider baseline between the two cameras, more artifacts will be visible. Reversely, stitching quality improves if baselines are small. The effect can be mitigated by moving the projection surface to the typical distance of surrounding objects. Another common approach to eliminate stitching seams is blending, which might get integrated in the future. However, this can lead to ghosting artifacts.

Nodes (Nodelets)

All nodes also come in nodelet variants (name in brackets) and are implemented as lazy subscribers.

periodic_image_projection_node (image_projection/PeriodicImageProjectionNodelet)

This node/nodelet periodically publishes a projected image from the latest camera data. All projection parameters can be configured dynamically at runtime. No computation is performed, if the output topic is not subscribed.

Subscribed Topics

Published Topics




Not yet implemented. This node creates projections on-demand as a service.

Projection plugins

Projections are implemented as plugins. The following plugins are available:


Creates a virtual perspective (pinhole) camera by creating a 3D plane. The camera points towards the x-axis in the camera frame and towards the z-axis in the optical frame (ROS standard).



The Mercator projection creates a virtual 3D cylinder projection surface.
