ultralight-ux / Ultralight

Lightweight, high-performance HTML renderer for game and app developers.
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cross-platform desktop-apps directx-11 game-development gamedev games gpu html-renderer linux macos metal opengl ultralight webkit windows

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:video_game: Discord Chat

Got a question about Ultralight? Chat with us on Discord!

:star: About

Ultralight makes it easy for C/C++ developers to seamlessly integrate web-content into games and desktop apps.

Use our lightweight, high-performance renderer to display HTML/JS/CSS on a variety of platforms and hardware targets.

Key Features

1. :zap: Modern HTML/JS/CSS Support:
Based on WebKit, Ultralight enjoys many of the same cutting-edge web features as Apple's Safari browser, simplifying development and reducing production costs.
2. :sparkles: Powerful and Lightweight:
Thanks to its highly-customizable CPU and GPU renderers, Ultralight offers developers unprecedented control over performance and memory usage-- making it the go-to choice for users who demand speed in constrained environments.
3. :jigsaw: Cross-Platform Compatibility:
With support for Windows, macOS, Linux, Xbox, PS4, and PS5 (and ARM64 coming in 1.4), Ultralight ensures your content displays smoothly and consistently on a wide range of platforms and hardware targets.
4. :repeat: Deep C/C++ and JavaScript Integration:
Ultralight facilitates seamless C/C++ and JavaScript integration through direct access to the JavaScriptCore API. Expose native state to web pages, extend JavaScript classes, define C/C++ callbacks, and more.
5. :wrench: Low-Level Customization:
Ultralight allows developers the ability to override platform-specific functionality-- granting control over such things as file-system access, clipboard management, font loading, and more to suit the unique needs of each target environment.

:space_invader: For Game Developers

Developed in collaboration with top AAA game studios, Ultralight is engineered to display high-performance web-content across a diverse set of hardware targets and game engine environments.

Choose between our CPU renderer for fast, reliable rendering or our customizable GPU renderer for unparalleled animation performance.

→ Learn more by visiting our Game Integration Guide.

:desktop_computer: For Desktop-App Developers

Get the best of both worlds-- save time by building your front-end with HTML/CSS/JS while retaining the power and performance of C/C++.

Embed the renderer directly within your existing run loop or leverage our AppCore framework to do all the heavy lifting for you, offering convenient native window management and accelerated rendering.

→ Learn more by visiting our Desktop App Guide.

:classical_building: Architecture

Ultralight is a platform-agnostic port of WebKit for games and desktop apps.

Portions of the library are open-source, here's how the library is laid out:

Description License Source Code
UltralightCore Low-level graphics renderer Proprietary (Available with license)
WebCore HTML layout engine (WebKit fork) LGPL/BSD ultralight-ux/WebCore
Ultralight View, compositor, and event logic Proprietary (Avaiable with license)
AppCore :sparkles: Optional, desktop app runtime LGPL ultralight-ux/AppCore

:rocket: Dual High-Performance Renderers

We offer two different renderers for integration into a variety of target environments.

:sparkle: CPU Renderer :eight_spoked_asterisk: GPU Renderer
* Fast, lightweight, and easy to integrate. * Renders to a 32-bit BGRA pixel buffer. * Based on Skia, accelerated via multi-threaded SIMD. * See the [Game Integration Guide](https://docs.ultralig.ht/docs/integrating-with-games) for more info. * High-performance, customizable, and portable. * Renders on the GPU to a texture. * Accelerated via tesselated geometry and pixel shaders. * See [Using a Custom GPUDriver](https://docs.ultralig.ht/docs/using-a-custom-gpudriver) for more info.

:lock: Licensing

It's easy to license Ultralight in projects big and small.

:heart_eyes: Free License :crown: Commercial License
* __Free__ for non-commercial use. * __Free__ for commercial use by indie companies (< $100K annual revenue). * Full SDK available for all users, download and try now. * See [LICENSE.txt](license/LICENSE.txt) for more info. * Paid licenses for commercial use. * Enterprise licensing, custom contracts, and volume discounts available. * Performance tools, extra configurations, and source code. * See [our website](https://ultralig.ht) for more info.

:eyes: Getting the Latest SDK

You can get the latest SDK for each platform below (contact us for Xbox, PS4, and PS5):

Getting Archived Binaries for a Specific Commit

Pre-built binares are uploaded to the following S3 buckets every commit:

:hammer_and_wrench: Building the Samples

To build the samples in this repo, please follow the instructions here.

:information_source: Useful Links

Link URL
Join our Discord! https://chat.ultralig.ht
Docs / Getting Started https://docs.ultralig.ht
Browse C++ API https://ultralig.ht/api/cpp/1_3_0/
Browse C API https://ultralig.ht/api/c/1_3_0/
Follow Us on Twitter https://twitter.com/ultralight_ux