umputun / rlb-stats

Stats collector and reporter for RLB
MIT License
7 stars 2 forks source link
load-balancer rlb stats

rlb-stats Build Status Coverage Status Go Report Card Docker Automated build

Stats collector for RLB with REST interface and WEB UI.

Run instructions

Run docker-compose up in order to start rlb-stats and rlb (for data generation).

Generate data

Run following command in the terminal in order to generate traffic for rlb-stats:

while true; do
  curl "$(((RANDOM % 10) + 1)).mp3" >/dev/null 2>&1
  sleep $(((RANDOM % 10) + 1))


Open endpoint from to see all aggregated logs since the start of the container.


Open to see dashboard with statistics

Application parameters

Command line Environment Default Description
port PORT 80 Web server port
bolt BOLT_FILE /tmp/ boltdb file path
dbg DEBUG false debug mode
TIME_ZONE America/Chicago container timezone


Load candles

GET /api/candle, parameters - ?from=<RFC3339_date>&to=<RFC3339_date>&aggregate=<duration>

Retrieve candles from storage.

POST /api/insert

Insert LogRecord to storage. Expects LogRecord as a body:

    "from_ip": "",
    "ts": "2021-03-24T08:20:00Z",
    "file_name": "rtfiles/rt_podcast659.mp3",
    "dest": ""