unsourced-dev / insights-js

The javascript client for Getinsights
MIT License
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This repository contains the official javascript wrapper for https://getinsights.io.

This library allows you to track events in the browser and see them aggregated in our admin interface.

Getting Started

With npm or yarn:

You can just install from npm or yarn, typescript definitions are included in the base package:

npm install insights-js

Then import as a commonjs module:

const { init, track, parameters } = require("insights-js")

Or as an es6 module:

import { init, track, parameters } from "insights-js"

And track something:

// Initialize for your project, you can find this on your dashboard

// ...

// track something
  id: "user-subscribed",
  parameters: {
    plan: "Startup",

With the umd build

<script src="https://unpkg.com/insights-js"></script>

  // Initialize for your project,
  // you can find this on your dashboard

  // ...

  // track something
    id: "user-subscribed",
    parameters: {
      plan: "Startup",


Tracking simple events

Just call track()

  id: "user-registered",
  parameters: {
    method: "google",
    from: "top-link",

Here is the result in the dashboard: Event User Registered in dashboard

Custom parameters

insights-js ships with multiple built-in parameters, to track values that are often useful, use as follow:

import { parameters } from "insights-js"

  id: "read-post",
  parameters: {
    // this will track the locale of the user, useful to know if we should translate our posts
    locale: parameters.locale(),
    // this will track the type of screen on which the user reads the post, useful for useability
    screenSize: parameters.screenType(),

Result in the dashboard: Event read post

See the full list in the parameters'API documentation.

Untracking events

Certain events last through time and may be undone or cancelled after they have been logged. For example, when tracking subscription to services or people.

For these events, it is very useful to be able to know:

When this flag is set to true, the given event is marked as cancelled.


// A user just subscribed!
  id: "user-subscribed",
  parameters: {
    plan: "Startup",

// A user unsbubscribed.
  id: "user-subscribed",
  parameters: {
    plan: "Startup",
  remove: true,

Here is the result in the dashboard: Event User Subscribed in dashboard

Tracking page views

insights-js provides an automatic way of collecting page views, just call the trackPages() function:


This function tracks the current page then listen for URL changes and track any subsequent page views. You may configure its behaviour by passing an options object.

Important note on bounce rate and unique views:

This method does not store any cookie or local storage, it expects that you use a client-side router. e.g. react-router, nextjs's router, etc... The bounce rate and unique views will not be accurate if you do not use a client-side router, in these cases, user trackPages(false) to disable tracking of the bounce rate and unique page views.

By default, does not track the location.hash nor the location.search.

Here is the result in the dashboard: Event User Subscribed in dashboard

Tracking on multiple projects

The calls to init() and track() are wrappers are methods on the App class. You may instantiate any use one app per project - with or without the default App:

import { App } from "insights-js"

// equivalent to init("project-1-id")
const app1 = new App("project-1-id")
const app2 = new App("project-2-id")

// will show up in project 1's dashboard
  id: "user-registered",
  parameters: {
    method: "google",
    from: "top-link",

// will show up in project 2's dashboard
  id: "read-post",
  parameters: {
    // this will track the locale of the user, useful to know if we should translate our posts
    locale: parameters.locale(),
    // this will track the type of screen on which the user reads the post, useful for useability
    screenSize: parameters.screenType(),


See the detailed API documentation in the docs folder.

init(projectId, options)

init(projectId: string, options?: InitOptions): void


projectId: string Mandatory The projectId to track this event with, you can find this in the page of your project

options?: AppOptions Optional Default value: {}

options.disabled: boolean Optional Default value: false When set to true, all calls are disabled. This flag is useful to disable the tracking based on the environment or URL.


track(event: Event): Promise<void>


event: Event Mandatory The event to track

event.id: string Mandatory The id of the event to track, should be a human readable id in kebab-case.

event.parameters: { [key: string]: string } Optional Default value: {} A map of (key: string) -> (value: string) pairs. Getinsights keeps track of the number of events logged for each value. You may also use the parameters variable to generate built-in values. See the full list in the parameters'API documentation.

event.unique: boolean Optional Default value: false When true, check if a similar event (i.e. same id & same parameters), has already been logged with the unique flag in this session. If a similar event has already been logged, it skips it.

event.update: boolean Optional Default value: false When true, only update the counts of the parameters, not the count of the event.

event.remove: boolean Optional Default value: false Certain events last through time and may be undone or cancelled after they have been logged. For example, when tracking subscription to services or people.

For these events, it is very useful to be able to know:

When this flag is set to true, the given event is marked as cancelled.


import { track, parameters } from "insights-js"

// user signed up with their email/password
  id: "user-signed-up",
  parameters: {
    provider: "email",

// user signed up with facebook
  id: "user-signed-up",
  parameters: {
    provider: "facebook",

// a product was sold
  id: "product-sale",
  parameters: {
    product: product.name,
    currency: customer.currency,

// a page was opened
  id: "open-page",
  parameters: {
    path: parameters.path(),
    screenType: parameters.screenType(),
    referrer: parameters.referrer(),


trackPage(options?: TrackPageOptions): TrackPageResult


options: TrackPagesOptions Optional Default value: {} The options to configure the behaviour of the tracking, namely:

options.hash: boolean Optional Default value: false true to also track the hash portion of the URL.

options.search: boolean Optional Default value: false true to also track the hash portion of the URL.

A unique page view being defined as the first page tracked in the current session (subsequent pages tracked are not unique).


An object of the form { stop(): void } to cancel page tracking if needed.



Gets the locale of the current user, for example: en-US, pt-BR or fr-FR.


Gets the type of screen the user is currently on, possible return values:


Gets the referrer of the user.

For example "https://google.com" if the user came from Google.

parameters.path(hash, search)

parameters.path(hash?: boolean, search?: boolean)

Gets the current path (segment of the URL after the domain) of the user.

hash?: boolean Optional Default value: false When true, also returns the hash segment of the URL.

search?: boolean Optional Default value: false When true, also returns the search segment of the URL.

parameters.transition(previous, next)

parameters.transition(previous: string, next: string)

Gets a parameter value that represents a transition between 2 states.

previous: string Mandatory The previous state.

next: string Mandatory The next state.


parameters.durationInterval(durationMs: number)

Categorizes a given duration in possible intervals and return the interval:

durationMs: number Mandatory The duration, in milliseconds.
