Next.js simple boiler plate.
Most of Web FrontEnd App need a web server.
This project deferred node.js (Koa.js) web server is prepared.
As mush as possible simple archtecture.
It is clear what you are doing by looking at the code.
No business logic is brought into Action and Reducer.
Business logic concentrates on Saga tasks.
type and payload to reducerAction
, or let the routing process
finish the taskState
(using select API)State
in the taskAction => Reducer
(does not update State
directly with the manipulated value) .
├─ docker #
│ ├─ app # FrontEnd App (multi stage build)
│ └─ web # nginx (proxy)
├─ pages # web pages
│ └─ api # BFF api
├─ server # web server
└─ src #
├─ actions # redux: action
├─ components # react: component
├─ hooks # react: hooks
├─ pages # only next.js pages testing
├─ reducers # redux: reducer
├─ sagas # redux[middleware]: redux-saga
├─ service # libs | utils
└─ store # redux: configure store
The testing directory is distributed in parallel with the directory that has each function.
├─ hoge
│ ├─ __test__ # hoge testing directory
- node.js >= 12.14.1
- next.js >= 9.3.1
- docker
- engine >= 19.03.x
- compose >= 3.6
1. npm i install
2. docker-compose up
> http://localhost(:80)
This project use nginx for reverse proxy and static resource cache control.
localhost:80 localhost:3000
----------- ----------------
--> | nginx | --> | app |
| [proxy] | | [next + koa] |
----------- ----------------
you may create React Component / Redux Action, Reducers from Hygen template.
npm run gen component
npm run gen redux
You can choose from two methods
Mainly use testing-library/react, react-hooks.
Normaly simple unit testing. Because of actions is pure function and have types for I/O, If types is safe, there is without having to do little testing.
Reducer testing have two types, unit and snapshot testing. Unit testing is compare initial state to updated state. Snapshot testing is check the difference visually for target state.
The reducer updates the state (object) on the defined reducer scope for any action.
In other words, it is necessary to check the change of state only for the variation of action, and it is not realistic to cover by comparing the values.
Therefore, we propose to perform a regression test for any action.
If it is a regression, you can always check the state of the state visually with a pull request.
If the specs change, the team will be able to discuss the changes in the PR.
No need to consider values in regression tests. Just see what the reducer changes the state with the code.
Redux-saga testing is integration test using redux-saga-test-plan.
If there is a unit test that can be separately performed during the task, let's do that as a separate test.
Since the I/O of the task is guaranteed by the benefits of TypeScript, it is recommended that you evaluate whether the actual processing of the task is as intended.
Basically, do a unit test.